Hi I'm brineshrimp.
I signed up on 09/01/98 11:22:32, and have just moved in.

My interests are:
Sea Monkeys!.

The description of my page is:
sea monkey diary

Links to other sites on the Web

Triops Diary
Betta fish Diary

Pikachu's Diary

june 20th---the sea monkeys hatched. they look like tadpoles.
june 21st---i added more eggs to the ocean zoo.
june 24th---the ocean zoo eggs hatched and the sea monkeys look like tadpoles.
june 30th---there are two girl sea monkeys.
july 2nd---the sea monkeys are pretty big.
july 7th---i looked at some of the sea monkeys in the sea monkeys play pen.
july 10th---sea monkeys in the play pen are doing good.
july 28th---all the sea monkeys are dead.
july 29th---i might get some sea monkey eggs later.
august 28th---wow. i didnt write in here for a LONG time.i put a 10 doller fish tank on layaway.ill have it in 3 weeks or so.
august 29th---i STILL dont have any sea monkeys in the aqua zoo. september 2nd---i re-did a sea monkey cage.
september 5th---at christmas forget the sea monkeys im getin triops.
september 8th---only 1 more week till i get the tank.then im getin triops from cherry vale mall.
september 9th---maybe sea monkeys and triops.but not in the same tank unless the triops want sea monkeys for dinner. and im naming my triops kenny and bob.
september 11th---no sea monkeys yet.and i was supposed to get the tank THIS WEEK.and then the big sea monkeys.
september 13th---yay! i get to go get new brine shrimp today.the BIG kind.oh yeh i got that tank yesterday.
september 14th---i only see three of the fairy shrimp. i wonder where the 4th one is...i found the other one now..... and they pick up fish flakes and eat them.
dec 24---all the shrimp died and i got triops and they died and i got more and they died now i got another sea monkey kit.
dec 29th---the sea monkeys are doing good.
feb 2nd---the sea monkeys died.
Email me at leia1229@aol.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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