Angel Line

Welcome to my home for adopted Fairie's and Angels! I adopted these Moon Angels from Caitlin's Angelbaby Adoption Agency. They are soooo cute ! If you would like to adopt an Angel just click on the Adoption Certificate and you could have one to take home with you !

My adopted Moon Angels

Adoption Certificate

Angel Line

Briana's adopted Cupid

Wow look at my Adopted Cupid! She is so pretty ! If you would like your very own adopted cupid just click on her certificate and you can give one a home too!

Cupid's Certificate

Angel Line

Here is my beautiful adopted Fairy Chrystal. If you would like to get one of these fairies click on the adoption certificate and go check it out !

Briana's Chrystal Fairy

Chrystal's Adoption Certificate

Angel Bar

Here are some more Angels that my Mommy let me adopt. My first Angel's name is Faith.. A shield of FAITH gives us the power to hold strong to our beliefs. Isn't she pretty! If you would like to have an Angel of Faith just click on her Adoption Certificate and you could have one too!

 Briana's Angel of Faith


Angel Faith's Certificate

Angel Bar

My next adopted angel is Angel Hope.With HOPE, we anticipate only the best of what the future holds.If you would like to have an Angel of Hope please click on her special certificate and you could have one too!

Angel of Hope


Angel of Hope Certificate

Angel Bar

This is my last Adopted angel that I got from the same adoption center, but I just had to have her..She is my favorite and here is what she says:And the greatest gift, eternal LOVE, fills our lives with sweet comfort. She is my Angel of Love! If you would Like to get one or others like her go and see all the pretty angels. Click on her certificate and it will take you to the adoption center of these special Angels!



Angel of Love Certificate

Angel Bar

Here is my very own adopted lollipop, from Candyland Adoption. Click on the banner below to go get one of these pretty sweet treats!

Briana's adopted Lollipop

Candyland Adoption Agency Banner

J.P. Designs