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I am trying to get the help of my fellow Michael Stuart fans to try and get Michael played more on the radio and written about in more magazines.  Radio stations and magazines work on a "demand - supply" basis - if we don't demand it - they're not going to supply it.  Contacting the radio stations is most important because if they play his music more then everything else will fall into place.  My goal is to get Michael as popular here as he is in Puerto Rico, but it won't work if I don't get help.

What I am asking of you is to write, fax or call the radio stations and/or magazines and ask them to play Michael's music or write articles on him.  Every little bit helps.  The media is a funny thing - sometimes all it takes is one good placement in a magazine or one high profile radio station to play his music on a regular basis for the rest of the magazines and radio stations to follow suit.  Wouldn't it be great if it was YOUR letter that set of this "domino effect"?  And if you're really crazy about Michael then you could even start writing them on a regular basis.  Persistance can be a powerful tool. 

Please click below for the contact information:




I am trying to compile contact information of all the spanish radio stations and magazines across the country.  I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me out by forwarding me the contact information of your local radio stations and magazines.

Please e-mail information to:

In advance, thank you sooo much for your help!!

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Special thanks to the following people for helping me compile information:
