Welcome to my Gene Page

My name is Rebecca, and most people know me as Reba, or Reba from CA. One of my favorite things to do is going to Fashion Doll Conventions.
I enjoy meeting and and visiting with fellow doll fans as much as collecting.

The last Conventions I attended were the Modern Doll Collectors Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana, and the National Gene Convention in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Please check out my coverage in the links below and don't miss Madra in Red Fox, she never looked better !!!

Another huge part of my doll passion is helping to run the Golden Gate Gene Club, here in beautiful California.
We are fortunate to have many talented, fun,
and enthusiastic club members. Please feel free to stop by and check out the latest meeting.

Modern Doll Collectore Convention Doll, Madra in Red Fox

New Oil Baron's Convention in Tulsa
Modern Doll Collectors Convention in New Orleans !

Trent Osborne Meeting
Gene Conventions and Events
Siesta by the Sea
Golden Gate Gene Club
Storage for doll clothes
Millennium Show Girls
Gene models other fashiondoll clothes
Favorite Gene Links

I'd love to hear your comments
: Reba

Gene Page Robert Tonner Alexandra Fairchild Scarlett Daisy&Willow Conventions and Events

I am a featured artist in
Jim Faraones
4th Fashion Doll Makeover Book!
Now available in Bookstores
like Barnes and Noble

