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A Poem

Never thought of things that way
Never felt until today
So uncommon yet normal
In our own lives we stay
Leaving our marks
In our own little way

It's heartbreaking how people miss
What few of us would see as bliss
The utmost of needs
Our thoughts are amiss
The roses, once weeds
Brought to life by a kiss

It's hard to think of any cause
To be encumbered by life's laws
What's inside of me
Will not let me see
To stay with what will be
Or leave for what was


This is a personal poem about suicide.  I would prefer that you take it in a different context, so that it means something to you yourself.  It could be about true love, lost love, happiness or sadness.  Whatever means the most to you.  If you like the poem, and would be interested in reading my observations about insanity, click here.

I have many friends at college, and we have another page containing pictures of all of us.  There you can see my roommates, as well as more pictures of Verity and myself.  It's worth visiting, and you have my word that they are all beautiful.

Email me at

*I can spell.  I worship satin, not Satan.


I am a seventeen year old female who graduated high school last year at the age of sixteen.  I am now in my freshman year at college, and I am studying to be a cardiovascular physician like my mother was.  She passed away when I was eight years old, and my best friend followed suit a year later.  (For the judgmental type who have already asserted that I am a troubled child, I wanted to at least defend myself with a reason.)  My father has done an excellent job of raising me despite circumstances, and I owe him everything.  He has home schooled me, and I have him to thank for nurturing the intellect that my mother has given me.  I have a genius I.Q. (I'm not kidding), and if you think that sounds like braggery you are correct!  Everybody needs to brag once in a while.  On the whole I am a very sweet and humble person.  My girlfriend is Verity, and she is the most wonderful person I have ever met.  Yes, Verity and I are both women; I am a bisexual.  If you are going to be a pervert about that, do not email me.

Click on the cute girl blowing kisses to go to my sweeties homepage!

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