Alone in my heart my soul and my room
I sit here remembering what once was
Longing for what should have been
Fearing what now never might be
Something so pure and so beautiful
Gone to the wind and the oceans
With the fallen crisped leaves of autumn
Where there was once understanding
Where laughter of all sorts was heard
This face that was always lit by a smile
Love painted on every action
Now is an empty gaping hole
A void and loneliness dark as night
The light of no star can light this path
Being walked alone beneath dying trees
This place holds no beauty
The sparrows have all flown away
To sing on someone elses windowsill
The sun does not rise or set here anymore
The clouds bring thunder and lightning
That burns anything with life in its path
Yet the fire passes me by to let me live
The flames mingle with the wind
Dance with the wind in the trees
The wind now knowing of my suffering howls
There is nothing to help
All alone
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