
I have seen the promise of the golden rose blooming,
through the raindrop falling from the sky to kiss my skin
I have heard the songs of angels in heaven
through the way being traveled by a dear passed friend
I have seen the rainbow shining through the sky
even after lightning has burnt the wood
and the thunder scared away the sparrow
the rays of light come out to dance with the fallen rain
I see what you have forgotten
the workings of life
of nature and her earth
I am the beholder
the seeker of beauty in all things
I am she who finds life for the unborn child
whilst the crying for a mother`s death
I see all that you are
I see where eyes do not see
But where sould exist
Where dreams are born
Visions aroused
thoughts and feelings united
I see your beauty
my child
my love
while i watch
this is my wait
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