
walking is how it all began
walking toward something
trying to find meaning
meaning to so many unanswered questions
about where I was coming from
who I was
why I was here
and where I am going
walking towards a purpose
which was hiding from me
and I`d never find
I noticed I had somehow come back to you
even though I was walking away from you
it was then I noticed the coldness
the blackness and nothingness
reaching to me
trying to pull me to your grasp
walking was how it began
but I began to run
too frightened to look back
upon this new menace arising
trying to make my past my future one
I ran until i thought i was away from you
when i dared look back
you were no longer there
and for a moment relief flooded me
but the darkness kept clawing at me
and when I looked up again
there you were again
smiling a wicked knowing smile
for you knew I would never get away
you grabbed me
bound me forever to you
in the prison of the past
never to find that purpose
the reason for my existence
the understanding of my being
I am lost to this world for eternity
I am looking from behind the looking glass
never to walk again
where this life was really just started
the place where you forced it to end
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