Subang Jaya

The Church of Christ Subang Jaya Welcomes You...


The Church of Christ Subang Jaya have been servicing the community of Subang Jaya for the past five years. Many events have been organised such as free talk on health issues, addressed student concerns on examination, motivational talks, worked with homes in the vicinity, organised camps, outings, visits with families and a lot more.

With the blessing of our own building in SS19, the brethrens are dedicating more community services and activities around the neighbourhood.

We follow the teaching of Jesus Christ and His Apostles with much guidance by the Bible, the word of God, We are Christians. To know more of our believes please click here. We would be happy to be able to share God's word with you.

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Latest Daybreak Vol 7 No 11 can be downloaded from here.


The Value Of Life
Yeow Chin Kiong

On February 25, 1996, 26-years-old Terri Schindler Schiavo collapsed when her heart stopped beating momentarily, depriving her brain of oxygen for precious minutes, thereby leaving her severely brain damaged. In November of 1992, her husband Michael won a medical malpractice lawsuit by claiming that Terri had the heart attack because her doctors had failed to diagnose the chemical imbalance that brought it about. Michael himself was awarded US$300,000 for his loss of a supportive spouse and US$700,000 for Terri’s continued guardianship and care. In May 1998, Michael petitioned the court to have her feeding tubes removed, claiming that such was consistent with her wish that she not be dependent on life-sustaining intervention should she ever be incapacitated. Nobody other than Michael was privy to such a wish, there being in any case no “Living Will” (or “Advance Medical Directive”). Almost all of the money given to Michael to keep his wife alive has been spent by him getting the courts to take her off artificial feeding, which is certain to kill her by starvation.

Breathing unaided, Terri is not on any life-supporting breathing apparatus (such as a ventilator). She only needs help to get liquids and nourishment to her stomach via a feeding tube. She has retained some ability of swallowing. Many experts argue that Terri is not in a “persistent vegetative state”.

From February 2000 to October 2003, the courts of Florida had twice removed her feeding tubes, before the Florida State legislature passed a law allowing Governor Jeb Bush to order re-insertion of Terri’s feeding tubes,- which he did after she was off the tubes for six days. From May 2004 to January 2005 the Florida Supreme Court struck down that law as unconstitutional. The US Supreme Court’s decision is pending. In the mean time, Michael has found time to father two children by his live-in girlfriend while still being legally married to Terri. Her parents have all the while been going to the courts to plea that she be kept alive and under their care.

Whatever the US Supreme Court decision, this is a sad commentary on the value of life as perceived by the very institution established to uphold it. Terri is defenseless, but nowhere near brain-dead, the diagnosis now used in many American jurisdictions enabling “pulling the plug” to bring about physical death.

The Bible everywhere upholds the value of life, giving dignity to it. God made all things, with mankind as the crown of creation (Genesis 1-2; Psalm 8; 19:1-6; 147; 148). The creative 'breath' of God (Psalm 33:6) gave life to mankind (Genesis 2:7) in a special sense. Human beings alone bear the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27), which speaks of likeness and relationship (as seen in Seth being in the likeness and image of Adam, Genesis 5:1-3). By the Incarnation when God became man, humanity gained extra dignity (John 1:14) Mankind everywhere depend totally on God for existence (Acts 17:28). Hence, it is only right that the godly person commit matters of birth and death into God's hands (Job 1:21) instead of taking it into his own hands.. To destroy another human being intentionally is forbidden, for thereby we destroy one who bears God's image - a terrible offence for which the killer's life is forfeit (Genesis 9:6; Exodus 20:13). Innocent life is sacred. God says, "All who hate Me love death." (Proverbs 8:36b), implying that those who love Him love life also.

Human life is valuable (Genesis 1:26-27; Psalm 8:4-5). There is a serious punishment for anyone who takes an innocent human life (Exodus 20:13; 21:12). Homicide is "an implicit attempt to murder God." (Genesis 9:5-6). None not in her shoes can ever imagine what Terri is feeling, being totally dependent on feeding tubes. This makes making a decision to remove her only source of food, liquid and nutrient (to bring about her starvation and death) difficult, to say the least. But we know for sure not to think ahead of God, Who alone appoints man’s death (Hebrews 9:27).