First name: Natalya
Last name: Sheremet
Age: 35 y.o.
Date of Birth: 05.27.1963
Height: 162 cm
Weight: 51 kg
Hair color: dark-brown
Color eye: green
Occupation: doctor
Country: Ukraine
Telephone: 380-562-322856
Fax: 389 562 780356
Education: higher
Marital status: divorced
What age range you seeking? -31-49
Primary preferance: possible marriage partner
What languages can you write in? English
Your religion (if any): christian
Your nationality: Ukrainian
Your race of color: white
Which race or color wold write to? White
Please give a brief description of the sort of person you wish to write: i hope meet a man with higher education, strong and fond, who can be a faithful husband and frien, who want have 2 or 3 children (Perhaps, a slender brunet)
Please describe yourself (with mention to your personality traits and interests): I work in a children clinic. I love children and cats, can be a faithful wife and friend. My interest: music, song, astronomy, swimming, tourism and household.