First name: Tatyana
Last name: Kostenko
Age: 38 years
Date of Birth: 05.07.1961
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 70 kg
Hair color: fair-haired
Color eye: green
Occupation: engineer
Country: Ukraine
Education: college
Marital status: divorced
Do you have children? I have daughter 16 years and son, 17 years
What age range you seeking? from 40 till 48 years
Primary preferance: possible marriage partner
What languages can you write in? English, Russian
Your religion (if any): Christian
Your nationality: Ukrainian
Your race of color: white
Which race or color wold write to? Europeans, (Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, etc)
Personality: kind, sociable, quiet, sincere.
Interests and hobbies: I love life.
Would like to meet: nobile, honour, independent, living on territory former USSR or immgrant..
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