First name: Valentine
Last name:
Age: 40 y.o.
Date of Birth: : 10 April, 1958
Height: 164 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Hair color: light-brown
Color eye: grey
e-mail: success@ochag.dp.ua
Occupation: manager
Country: Ukraine
Telephone: (38 0562) 293381
Fax:380 562 780356
Education: High
Marital status: divorced(Children-no)
Do you have children? What is age? yes
Do write to someone with a child you? YES
What age range are you seeking? 43-60
Primary preferance possible: marriage partner
What languages can you write in? English
Your religion (if any): christian
Your nationality: English
Your race of color: white
Which race or color wold write to? White , Hispanic
Please give a brief description of the sort of person you wish to write: soft,
delicate, good, open, cheerful,
sociable, good humoured, sensitive,
generous, sincere, reliable, stubborn,
obstinate, witty, devoted, positive,
romantic, serious, tender, strong
Please describe yourself (with mention to your personality traits and interests): dominant, romantic, serious,
open, honest, sincere, soft, devoted,
reliable, cheerful sports, TV, books,
travel, nature, animals, theater,
art,psychology, writing poetry, garden,
flower-growing, knitting, literature,
music, theatre, art, garden.
The photo is nesessary!