First name: Larissa
Last name: Malinskaya
Age: 37 years
Date of Birth: Fabruary, 3, 1961
Height: 161 cm
Weight: 90 kg
Hair color: dark-brown
Color eye: brown
e-mail: ruby@ochag.dp.ua
Occupation: an operative in industr. Transpostations
Country: Ukraine
Telephone: 38-0562-760161
Education: a tecknical school
Marital status: single
Do write to someone with a child you? Yes
What age range you seeking? 35-55 yrs
Primary preferance possible: marriage partner
What languages can you write in? English a little, Russian
Your religion (if any): Christian
Your nationality: Ukrainian
Your race of color: white
Which race or color wold write to? White, hispanic
Please give a brief description of the sort of person you wish to write: generous, sincere, honest, faithful, reliable, witty, romantic, home-loving.
Please describe yourself (with mention to your personality traits and interests): calm, self-possessed, well-wishing, sincere, tender, soft, romantic, sociable, kind, faithful, domesticated, loving children. My interests are knitling, seeving, window plant growing, artificial flower making, cosy-home, cooking, books, nature, travel, stroll, music (modern, pop)
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