Introduction to Korea
Korean is a single raced nation. Korea covers about 220 thousand square kilometers( including North Korea & South Korea). Though Korea is small in area, but it has many beautiful mountains and rivers and more mountains than plains. It is the pennisular country which is surrounded by the sea to the east, west and the south. The northern part adjoins Manchuria and Siberia.
History of Korea

We have a history of about five thousand years. I will show you our history with a list.

Gochosun(°íÁ¶¼±)B.C 2333
- Three Kingdoms Period(»ï±¹½Ã´ë)
- United Silla(ÅëÀϽŶó) A.D 668~935
- Koryo(°í·Á) 915~1392
- Chosun(Á¶¼±)1392~1910
- Japanese Occupation(ÀÏÁ¦½Ä¹ÎÁö)1910~1945
- Liberation(Çعæ) 1945
- Establiment of the Republic of Korea(´ëÇѹα¹°Ç±¹) 1948
Hangul, The name of Korean alphabet

Have you ever seen our alphabet, Hangul?
It was devised and promulagted by King Sejong in 1446. Hangul is a phonetic alphabet like English and has 10 vowels and 14 consonants. The two list show the shapes and sounds of our vowels and consonants.

Generally speaking, the predicate verb follows the subject in English, but in Korean the subject and the predicate verb are placed far apart.

Korean has unique honorfic expressions of its own. When you talk to your your superiors, you should speak with speacial honorific expressions.
The ancient shapes of Hangul
Korean National Flag, Teguk flag.

The name of our national flag is Teguk flag(űرâ) It has many meanings in it.

The white background symbolizes peace and the upper part of red and and down part of blue in a circle which is called "Taeguk(űØ)" symbolize a solar and lunar meaning a creation of the universe.

The four groups of bars around the circle,"Taeguk(űØ)", symbolize Guhn(°Ç), Gohn(°ï), Gahm(°¨), Yee(¸®) meaning the sky, earth, sun and the moon denoting the nation's unity. Taeguk and Guhn, Gohn, Gahm, Yee derive from Yin & Yang theory.
The National Flower of Korea

The rose of Sharon(¹«±ÃÈ­)is the national flower. It starts to bloom in summer season and lasts for about 100days. The petals, pink(or white) and red, symbolize the patience and the united mind of Korean people.
The Ancient Architectures of Korea

-Kyungbok palace(°æº¹±Ã), the old palace of Chosun Dynasty