My Online Friends
Here's a list of some of my online friends. Beside of their name I'll put some cool stuff  about them.  If I left you off, e-mail me and I'll put ya on here too!!!
Nick-I'll put Nick on here first since I've known him the longest.  He is from England, and he is a very sweet guy.  We talk about just about everything!  I've known him for about...hmm...1 1/2 years or longer.
Devin-I've only been talking to Devin since about the beginning or mid-summer.  He is a really sweet guy too. We are just alike...I hardly ever go into chat rooms but one day I got into one and met him and we have talked pretty much every day since.
Jon-Well, jon is one of my friends off of the computer too, but we talk more on than off so I decided to add him to the list.  Jon is a really funny guy, even though sometimes it gets a bit annoying.  He lives like 2 seconds from my house so I walk over and play pool with him sometimes.
Roger- Roger is another one of my friends off the computer too, but I never see him so we chat all the time.  We talk about practically everything and he cheers me up all the time cause I get depressed alot!  I think he knows me better then most of my friends do.
Amanda- Amanda goes to my school but I never really knew her until one day she e-mailed me and said she liked my web page.  We chat all the time and she is a really nice girl.