
All About Me



Weird Stuff

Crafts for Chicks


My Friends




Top Ten


Whatever I Fuckin Want!

Whats Up w/ Me
Here's all you need to know about me:

- Music
- Guys, hot ones...expecially Bart  :)
- Romance
- The movies;
      Dirty Dancing
      The Craft
      Half Baked
- Sleeping
- Eating fatty foods
- Slacking off
- My friends
- My skateboard
- My guitar
- My computer
- Did I mention guys?
- My family (most of the time)
- Cornbread
- Bandies!

- Country Music
- Guys that think they are better than other people
- Anti-Romance guys
- The movie Titanic
- Being sleepy during school
- Eating salads
- Having to work
- Fake friends
- Bladers that think they are better than boarders
- Boarders that think they are better than bladers
- Not being able to play my guitar
- My old, sucky, slow computer
- Jock guys
- Posers
- Rednecks
- Ain't nothin' wrong with that!
- 1st Trumpets. Except Chris
Also, if you'd like to know, I have an unhealthy obsession with skater/punk/rave clothing. I have too much of it. I love my Strawberry Shortcake shirt.  :)  I like just about anything that glitters. Also, Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream drives me wild. Expecially Chunky Munkey, and Nutty Waffle Cone. Hmmm, one more thing, I hate it when you get to know a guy you like, and once you get the guts to make a move, all you get is "I just want to be friends". MAN I hate that. Oh, and one more thing, I hate when people pronounce it "liberry". That is all.
Name: Aliza (Weezer)
Age: Old enough  ;)  14
Best Buds: Stephie, Dani, Amanda, Sharon, Nette and Bart
Favourite colour: Blue, any shade of blue
Favourite songs at the moment: "Spin the Bottle" - Twiztid, "Hi-Fi Killer" - American Hi-Fi, & "American Psycho" - Treble Charger
Hottie: Bart  :D