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President -Mitchelle Everest

Vice President of Service- Carrie Scattergood

Vice President of Education - Seema Chandra

Secretary - Kristen O'Halloran

Treasurer - Laura Ferrante

Rush Chair - Melissa Cotelo

Sisterhood Chair - Adriana Camacho



Active Sisters

Founding Sisters

Mitchelle Everest

Kate Duffy

Laura Ferrante

Carrie Scattergood

Seema Chandra

Melissa Cotelo

Adriana Camacho

Katie Livingstone

Pryia Dhanda

Geeta Chandra

Debbie Wolfe

Kristen O' Halloran

We are Proud to Welcome O Phi A's Newest Sisters!

Alpha Class

Allison Withers

Andrea DeWitt

Colleen Moore

Rebecca Rosen

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