Thank you for stopping by, I just started this but hopefully this site will will be one of the most popular beautiful female sites out there.  I have done a little searching throughout the internet and came up with some of the best looking girls out there.  But I don't think I can do it all myself, I'll need your help also.  Below, I have put the pictures into their own catagories which makes it easy for your viewing pleasure, hopefully you can help me out individually by sending in your pictures that aren't yet here.  NOTE: please don't just go to other sites similiar to this and take their pics, I wouldn't want that to happen to me.  So please try to make your pictures as original as you can, plus no nudes.  Well I hope you enjoy the pictures and remember try not to take, take, take, please to give a little.  You can send your pictures to only_the_girls@yahoo.com  Thanks, there will be rewards to those who get there pictures on here.  Now on to the fun stuff.......


If you do send in pics to me and I use them, I have many more pictures of these girls, that will be included to you if I use your pics  Thanks

High school beauties (42 pics)        College beauties (24 pics)          Wet T-Shirt Pictures (10 pics)

Remember, please send those pictures in and make this work for everyone
Also, if you'd like to give me any tips on this site, feel free to send in thanks

Message Board

1/24 - Links set up
1/26 - new pic of the week  and more college girls
1/27 - just a few hs girls added
1/28- 10,000 vistors!!! and a couple hs and college girls added
2/1  -Finally have some pics in the wet t-shirt catagory


Site launched January 14, 2000
Last updated Febuary 1,, 2000