
By John (That's me!):

-The Shady Mansion Mystery

Fanfic Poll
What did you think about my fanfic?

Would you like to see another chapter?

and more ....
Current Results

By Summer:

-Wedding Day Blues

-Ninth Grade

Submitting a fanfic:

To submit a fanfic, make sure it is saved in plain text (.txt)format. You can do this using a program like Note Pad or Simple Text. Next, check your fic for content. I don't correct spelling or gramatical errors, so make sure you do. Fics containing harsh language, sexual content, or anything else I deem innappropriate won't be posted. Once you have your fanfic prepared, you can use the form below. If you are using Netscape Navigator, fill it out completely. Use the browse button to locate the file on your computer. Then click submit. If you're using Internet Explorer, simply click submit to pop up an E-mail window with me as the recipent. Don't forget to add your name, discription, and attach the file!

Description of file:


By John:

By Icqgirl:

Submitting a fanpic:

To submit a fanpic, make sure it is saved in a common image format, like .gif, .jpeg, or .bmp. Once again, I won't post anything I find innappropriate. Once you have your fanfic prepared, you can use the form below. If you are using Netscape Navigator, fill it out completely. Use the browse button to locate the file on your computer. Then click submit. If you're using Internet Explorer, simply click submit to pop up an E-mail window with me as the recipent. Don't forget to add your name, discription, and attach the file!

Description of file:

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