
Sunrider Enterprises
Sunrider Enterprises is the organisation that distributes all of Peter Simpson's work. Sunrider Enterprises consists of three fronts:
  • Sunrider Press handles most of Peter's print projects, including custom Greeting Cards, Business Cards, and Invites.
  • Sunrider Entertainment publishes and of Peter's multimedia projects, including video games and websites.
  • Sunrider Comics will handle any comic releases. At the moment, no comics are yet to be released.

The Author
This site was designed by Peter Simpson as a location to display his artwork. Peter is a self taught artist. His skills have developed over the years though study of other people's artwork, and with the help of the How To Draw Manga series of books.

All artwork on this page, unless otherwise noted, is drawn by hand with pencil and then inked with fine liners. These inked pictures are then scanned into the computer and coloured in with Paint Shop Pro.

T'ahna is a Twi'lek who had been enslaved by the Imperial Empire as an entertainer for the soldiers.

During an assault on a small outpost on a remote desert planet, the Jedi Knight Jason Sunrider found T'ahna confined in a small cell. After releasing the Twi'lek from her confines, T'ahna insisted that the Jedi took her off that "dust bowl of a planet". Since then, T'ahna and Jason have stayed together.

During the long nights travelling between planets, T'ahna likes to help manage this website. After all - she trained as a programmer, not a dancer.