**y AzN giRLz HaTe AzN GuYz**
-all u wannabes owaiz talk bout carz n how u want ti fix it up n race, but u dont got no car! u jus be drivin ur mama'z honda accord wid ur GOT RICE sticker on da bumber
-yooh owaiz were da same clothez on diff dayz n spray da fake CK1 orda uni stuff
-yooh owaiz got da same fades up the backside oph ur headz
-wat'z up wid da bleached bangz?
-u think dat dropped civics r cool but r played out
-u owaiz brag bout breakin but u cant move at all
-when yooh go ta a partie u go in all da fixed up carz n leab ur broke datsun 2 blockz away
-u all go ta da mall n 'kick it' lookin for all da 12 yr old girz wid dere puffy marshmallow jacketz or nautica shirtz
-u tink dat ur import car ish hella tight, but ur mama paid foe it...so get ur broke azz ta werk
-on da phone u guyz try ta sound all deep n owaiz start a convo wid 'wassup' but in person u squeak lyke a mouse
-all u guyz share da same grl n u may tink dat u are all player but realize dat maybe ur da wun being played..so dere! -on ur beepers u got a funky lito song but itz only da background noise so stop n leab da msg
-when u recieve a page u alwayz say itz ur grl but itz really ur mama telling u ta get urself home cuz she needz da car to go ta da market
-u owaiz wear thoze skimpy 'wife beaterz' thinkin u got da bodie ta sport, but u got ta get urself ta da gym n reallie look gud
-all u uglie guyz get grlz by havin da nicezt carz but reality check-itz da car we want not u
-superficial n shallow? no u conceited boiz take picz squattin in front of ur supposed fixed up car but it jus frum da parking lot or street
-u guyz sag ur pantz dat u buy 2 sizes bigger then ur real size makin ur feet look bigger but itz not. chill wid ur size 7 shoez alreadie
-in da chatroomz u owaiz ask ' where all da fione grlz at' n also ask 'ne wun got a gif ta trade' but u dont on urself
-u tink dat bumpin music in ur car is dope so dat all carz around u vibrate. but u onlie hurtin ur carz
-on ur honda'z n acura'z ur headlightz r diff and dang annoying but watch out u gonna get anotha fixing ticket n ur mama'z gonna take her car away
-do u boiz share clothez????
-u think dat takin a shower is rinsing ur hair in da sink
-u drool ova car magazines n wish you had da carz that u noe ur mama never gonna get u
-when itz 100 degreez outside u wear thoze puffy jacketz or all match wid ur nautica jackets
-u tell ur guy frendz dat u went ta a club n got a grip oph numberz, actually its anotha guyz number hu wants ta noe where u got ur car fixed up
-u sport that 'baller look' onlie hab it ta say u ball
-u got dat automatic car u pretend its a stick revving it lyke a stick n making it sound lyke a stick by downshifting to 2nd gear
-older boiz go to all them all ages clubs n hook up wid younger grlz tellin ur homeboiz they ur age -u wannabe gangstaz got ur gunz, but r cowards n e way. n when sumthing goez down u say u gonna go ta da car n get ur fun but u come back when everythings over

You wannabe gangsters have your guns, but are damn cowards anyway. -This is to all you wannabe sweet talking guys please chew some gum before you say anything to us because that breath be kicking worse then BRUCE LEE.
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