are u hmong????
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.... aRe u a hMong?!?!...hEa`s a chEck liST fOr u!!!!!!

~~~You go to soccer tournaments where you see guys dress in suits and carrying an umbrella!~~~~

~~~You go to soccer tournaments and you see little kids sliding down hills on pieces of cardboard they stole from one of the venders.~~~

~~~You see 4 feet 11 inch Hmong Girls wearing 7 inch foot platformshoes, making them 7 inches taller than herboyfriend ......and you can fit yourself inside one leg of the pants that her boyfriend is wearing!~~~

~~~You hear Hmong guys trying to talk with a southern accent "Waz up ya all?"~~~

~~~You seeHmong girls do weird movements with theirhead/neck/arms when they say, "You know wazzup..."~~~

~~~You never speak in Hmong at home, but when you`re talking to someone who`s non-hmong, all you speak is Hmong!~~

~~~When you talk to someone who`s non-Hmong, you catch yourself saying, "O-Yo!"~~~

~~~You know you`re in trouble when you hear your name followed by "-ah" (Example: Cheng-ah! or Lee-ah!)~~~

~~~All the Hmong girls you know have taken studio pictures 7 times.~~~

~~~~You have a picture of a friend/cousin/sister/brother standing next to a tree!~~~

~~~You and all your friends drive a Toyota or a Honda.~~~

~~~You know someone who tries to talk about cars but he/she really doesn`t know anything about cars.~~~

~~~You have to go to the garden with your mom, but your garden is 15 miles out of town. When you go to the garden, all you hear is a loud bass.~~~

~~~All the Hmong men you know think they can jump!~~~

~~~All the Hmong men you know think they`re a professional soccer player!~~~

~~~You know someone named A, Bee, See, Dee, and Ee.~~~

~~~There`s a knife in the kitchen bigger than the size of your head!~~~

~~~You can fit yourself and a friend into one of your mom`s pots in the kitchen!~~~

~~~You know who Paradise,Voltage, and Sounders are.~~~

~~~Someone in your family blasts Paradise, Voltage, or Sounders from their bedroom 24/7!~~~

~~~Your friendsgo raving and one of your friends has hit himself trying to use glowsticks when at the rave!~~~

~~~You meet a new Hmong person and half way into the conversation you say, "Omigosh, you know him too?!?!"~~~

~~~All your friends think they are going to college for a Computer Science major!~~~

~~~You know of at least one Hmong who goes to school at UW-Eau Claire!~~~

~~~If you go to UW-Eau Claire, you know the names of at least10 Hmongstudents from Wausau!~~~

~~~You have at lease one relative living in St. Paul.~~~

~~~When your family goes camping, the women spend the whole day cooking 10-course meals while the men play "tub-lub".~~

~~~Your uncle`s wife`s cousin`s brother-in-law`s younger sister is married to your mom`s sister`s husband`s nephew`s wife`s mother`s older brother.~~

~~~When you meet someone`s parents, you usually hear, "What`s your name? Where are you from? What`s your dad`s name? What`s your grandfather`s name? What`s your great-grandfather`s name?" followed by...."OH!!! I know them! Back in Thailand......blah blah blah!" Otherwise you don`t know!~~~

~~~You go to funerals where old single men are trying to hit on younger girls who don`t know better!~~~

~~~Your have a friend who had 3 wedding parties!~~~

~~~Your friend calls you one day and says, "Come to my wedding tomorrow."~~~

~~~When you go to someone`s house, you open the door and trip over a big pile of shoes!~~~

~~~You see pictures of elders in thailand framed or enlarge on the wall of your friends` homes... or even yours!~~~

~~~~~~~ahahahaha....pReTTy fUnnIe hUh?!?!?!....bUt hEy! ..sOme of tHose aRE tRuE aRen`T thEY?!?!?..ahahhaa~~~~~