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i will die on the beach on a cloud less day,
the day will be empty, the clouds too high for me to see.
the waves will roll in and land at tmy feet as my hands
brush over the smooth stones.
i think the waves will catch me.
they flow over my feet, the seaweed will flow in
it will wrap around my ankles and hold me tight.
i will slowly sink farther into the sand
becoming less myself into a deep sleep until i am
too tired to breathe
     and i am dead

i think we are looking blindly for
something that was worthy of all that searching:
something, finally, that deserved to be saught out
and that at the moment of death would allow
us to say:  that's what i lived for...
the authors to these are unknown to me
it takes only a minute to get a crush on someone...
an hour to like somone...
and a day to love someon
but it takes a life time to
forget someone
the purpose of life is not o be happy.
it is to be usedful, to be honorable, to be
compassionate, to have it make some difference
that you have lived and lived well
to love someone is to learn the song
that is in their heart and to sing it to
them when they have forgotten
i want things the way they used o between us.
you know we ca run upstairs in the dark.
i'll even let you open all the windows when it's
raining outside.
                           I'll Be There
when no one is there for you and you think no one cares.  when the whole world walks out on you and you think you're alone I'll Be There.  when the one you care about the most could cares less about you.  When the one you gave your heart to throws it in your face I'll Be There.  when the person you trusted betrays you.  when the person you share all your memories with can't even remember your birthday I'll Be There.  when all you need is a friend to listen to you whine.  when all you need is someone to catch your tears I'll Be There.  when you start to cry after hearing that sad song.  when the tears just won't stop falling down I'll Be There.
So you see I'll Be There until the end this is a promise i can make.  if you ever need me just give me a call and...I'll Be There
have you ever wanted someone
but you just couldn't have the courage to say
have you ever tried so hard
that the world just spins round and round
i never knew love could be such a crime
the more you cared for someone the more you fall
you could have a change a heart
only if you have a change in mind
I guesss that is why
you could say that
everything has its place in time
Even the day must be given to night
I know that all i am to you
is just a friend but
I will never treat you bad
cause i never wanna see you sad
think of me like a candle in the night
I will be the one that brings the light to your life
time is too slow for those who wait,
too swift for those who fear,
too long for those who grieve,
too short for those who rejoice,
but for those who love, time is eternity
somewhere there is someone who dreams of your smile, and finds your presence that life is worth while.  so when you are lonely remember it's true, somebody somewhere is thinking of you