deepend's people
I would like to be featured in the people section.I hereby grant you permission to take my details and a selection of photos of myself in swimwear from my site, and use them on the deepend website. I understand that as part of this, you will promote my site and the service(s) I offer. A specific comment on swimwear follows.
In addition to or instead of the photos on my website I am sending you some by e-mail to
deepend's celebs
I maintain a website devoted to a celebrity, and would like this celebrity to be featured in the deepend website.I hereby grant you permission to take details and a selection of photos of the celebrity in swimwear from my site, and use them on the deepend website. I understand that as part of this, you will promote my site. A specific comment on the celebrity's involvement with swimwear follows.
In addition to or instead of the photos and info on my website I am sending you some by e-mail to
deepend's fashion
I would like my company's swimwear to be featured in your forthcoming fashion section. I hereby grant you permission to take details and a selection of photos from the site listed above, and use them on the deepend website. I understand that as part of this, you will promote my site and the swimwear we sell. Specific comments on swimwear to be featured follows if appropriate.
In addition or instead of the photos on my website I am sending you some by e-mail to
deepend's stories
I would like my work to be featured in your stories section. I hereby grant you permission to take a story from the site listed above, and use it on the deepend website. I understand that as part of this, you will promote my site. Specific directions follows if appropriate.
In addition or instead of the stories on my website I am sending you some by e-mail to
deepend's faves
I maintain a website devoted to a type of swimwear or swimsuit related activity, and would like this to be featured in the 'faves' section or other appropriate area of the deepend website. I hereby grant you permission to take text and images from the site listed above, for use on the deepend website. I understand that as part of this, you will promote my site. Specific comments and directions follow if appropriate.
In addition or instead of the images and text on my website I am sending you some by e-mail to