Me, Myself and I
Hi there d00ds, my name is Ana Luiza, I'm from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, I'v been acsessing the internet since Feb. 1999, I met a lot of cool people and nice friends in the internet, but unfortunatelly also many crazy, boring and anoying ones :(. But for now, We'll do what Donna Summers aks us to: "forget about the bad times and remember all the good ones" ( I love that song). :) I'm a very gay person, extremelly high (don't do drugs don't get me wrong here:P) and happy all the time, of course I get mad at somethings and someones, everybody goes a little sour sometime. Looooove to dance, love going to the beach, getting all tanned and stuff. My favourite places around the world are: Rio de Janeiro, Campos do Jordão and Búzios (Brazil), Las Vegas and Miami (USA) and saved the best for last: Paris (don't have to tell yawl folks where Paris is right? And I ain't talking 'bout Paris, Texas...don't get me wrong again :P). Whenever I get to flacid I run a coupple of miles a day and do some situps. Well, enought of that yadda yadda already! If you wanna get to know me better you can always email me, look me up in the icq (24482496) or search for me in the mIRC, in the Brasirc network in the channels: #rio, #barra and #top69...for now I wish you all the funn in my site, enjoy it, and don't forget to sign my GUESTBOOK ok? C-YA ;**"
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