Rules for guild members:

Welcome to the Blood Coven! We are glad for each new honest Member joining us.


1. No one under Disciple will be listed on the Webpage

2. As Novice you do the best hunting in Groups and not only Vamp groups make friends in other races too that will help you a lot.

3. Dont ask for stuff on gsend more then once gsend for instance "does anyone have a good weapon for a level 5" or so and wait weather someone will respond, or just wait till someone posts what he dropped in Guild Hall for the Guild.

4. Do NOT release when you are killed. DO a gsend where you have been killed and try to explain as exact as possible. Dont gsend "help i am dead in Rowangroves" only. Try to be more specific, like "help i am dead in Roangroves eastern north part" or like this.You are dead you have the time to send. Guildies rushing for your help have no time because you will auto release in 2 minutes, so be as specific as you can.

5. If you hunt in areas too hard for you you wont get any help. If you hunt with a big friend there it is his job to save your ass <G>. Besides you will gain more experience and learn the game better NOT on powerleveling .

6. If you have a dispute or a problem with another character in the game, you MUST discuss it with the CM or a Warlock or a council member, before you take ANY action.If no one of that peolple is online ask the highest Mage or Acolyte online for advice.You may NOT take out contracts on other players... the Council and/or the CM are the only members who have that authority.

7. No killing or looting other players. That means dont take any stuff from floor when someone died there. Stay there and guard the stuff until the guy comes back. Thats one of the best ways to make friends. (I remmeber when i was level 5 or so a Skelly Elder died on his way back to cure in Tamial Local killed by a traveller (LOL). I just stood there and guarded the stuff killing travelers and farmers and was telling peolple let the stuff on floor. When the guy -actually it was a girl- came back and seen all his stuff there not looted i really got some nice stuff once in a while from her.)

8. Disrespect of an Elder (Council member or CM) will NOT be tolerated under ANY circumstances. Bad Language on gsends is a big no no too.Scrolling on gsends is the same. Of course you can post when you killed your first mantis alone or you had a nice fight with a big bad critter, but dont overflood us with it (G).

9.Do NOT go into a room where another player is hunting and kill their critters or take anything off the ground.