This page hosted by Get your own Free Home PageThe DeFazio Family's Adoption Experience
Here is Christopher when we first
found him on the internet (6 mo. old)
Please feel free to read our story and contact me with any questions, suggestions, etc.
Christopher - age 9
Hi. My name is Janice and my husband's name is Guy. We live in Hamilton Square , New Jersey. In July, 1996, we returned from Russia where we adopted a little boy we now call Christopher Thomas. We spent three weeks in Russia in three different cities; Novocherkassk, Rostov-on-Don and Moscow. I will provide our step by step experience which began on March 28, 1996.
Click here to see a picture of the kids today.
We have two other children, Guy-Michael and Jennifer. We tried for almost 3 years to have another child (including IVF-which could be a completely other saga). In March we decided to look into adoption so I did some surfing on the net. Lo and behold I stumbled upon a little boy by the name Vladimir (born in Shakhty, Russia).
(We felt that an international adoption would be better for us since we would have less of a chance of the birth parents trying to reclaim the child.) Additionally, the timeframes for adopting an infant domestically would be much longer. (The picture you see from the link is the PICTURE I spotted on the Internet). We immediately fell in love. If you are interested in an adoption or just want to hear about our experience, please browse our pages. Also, feel free to Email me with any questions you may have or other information you would like to see on my page.Since there is so much information I felt it was best to break it down by month.Continue story hereor select subject below.
May 1996-Continuing Saga Of Bureaucracy
June 1996-Preparing For Trip To Russia
1996-How is Christopher Thomas Coming Along(updated Dec. 30, 1996)
1997-DeFazio Family Updates(updated Dec. 31, 1997)
1998-DeFazio Family Updates(updated October 12, 1998)
1999-DeFazio Family Updates(updated December 30, 1999)
2000-DeFazio Family Updates(updated September 15, 2000)
Silly Christopher Album(updated September 15, 2000)
Christopher Thomas's Story(updated October 12, 1998)
Our daughter Jennifer's page (Work in progress)
A Collection of Poems(added November 4, 1998)
Other Helpful Adoption Links
Families of Russian and Ukraine Adoptions (FRUA)
Adoption Information, Assistance, Support
© 1996
Feel free to E-Mail me with questions, comments, (or suggestions for my site).
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