Materials Needed
Silver Pipe Cleaners narrow ribbon for hanger and bow
6mm clear faceted beads 8mm clear faceted beads
clear tri beads small clear paddle wheel(sunburst) beads
large clear paddle wheel(sunburst beads
These are quick, easy and pretty. It looks like an icicle.
Use a silver pipe cleaner and clear beads.
Cut the pipe cleaner in half and turn up the end slightly so that the beads won't fall off. What works well is to put the first bead on the pipe cleaner and then bend the pipe cleaner over the bead to lock it in place.
Put the beads on the pipe cleaner in the order listed here:
four 6mm faceted beads,
four 8mm faceted beads,
four tri beads,
four small paddle wheel (sunburst) beads,
then four large paddle wheel (sunburst)beads.
Make a loop at the top with the rest of the pipe cleaner and tie on ribbon for hanger.
Add a ribbon bow at the top.
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