In memory...
Oreo (june 15, 1997-october 20, 1997)
Caramel (september 1997- may 1998)
Pierre(december 25, 1996-december 20, 1999)
Oreo is dead :( She lived here for a so short time! Only four days after she arrived, she was found dead, burried under a piece of cardboard. Pixie prolly did put her there during the night. She was sick right from the first day she arrived. She had diarrhea and was cold. She was calm, too calm. A healthy gerbil doesn't stay so still. She battled but didn't resist and we lost her...
Rest in peace, my little Oreo. You were so cute.
Caramel had a stroke. It`s in silence that she left us, during the night. It took a while
before anyone realize she disappeared. She left behind two pups. Sabrina fostered them
with the seven pups she allready had! But it was for Caramel. She wouldn`t have let the
two pups die.
Rest in peace beautiful Caramel.
The old patriarch finally died of age during the holydays. Leaving behind him many sad kids and cousins. The clan will never be the same
without him.
Rest in peace, my first gerbil, the one I'll never forget...