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How did Pixie ended up in a strange place...

I had completely lost any trace of Pixie when came time to go sleep. The smart little critter had slip his way out of his cage by pushing the door up with his nose !

After trying to look into his usual hiding places, I gave up and decided to find him the next day. Late in the night, I could hear him run and make a really soft "tump" "tump" on the floor. I fell asleep again to wake up with a strange feeling. Something was touching me...

Suddenly, I realized that Pixie had climb up on the bed, under the sheets and right... in my pyjama pants !! He was there, all cozy and warm, looking at me as if there was nothing when I pulled my pant. Well he looked so comfortable and was such a good and quiet boy, that I let him sleep on my bed. Alas!! This precious moment ended up only few minutes later and soon I could hear the little paws running around again. If I had known, I wouldn`t have pass an hour trying to catch him in the morning!!

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