New York City Directory, 1786
Pearsall and Embree -- watch and clockmakers -- 43 Queen Street
New York City Directory, 1869
Fowler & Pearsall, poultry, 31 Fulton mkt
New York City Directory, 1869
Pearsall Alfred V. bdgh. 162 Cherry
- Pearsall Alfred V. bdgh. 162 Cherry
- Pearsall Ann, bdgh. 76 Grosby
- Pearsall Alva A. velocipedes, 29 W. 28th, h 170 Clinton, B'klyn
- Pearsall Chas. E. fruit, Fulton mkt. h 320 W. 20th
- Pearsall Edward, h 3 Waverley pl.
- Pearsall Edward, shoemkr. h 115 Mulberry
- Pearsall Edward B. mer. 30 Whitehall, h 249 York, J. C.
- Pearsall Eliza, widow, 209 E. 36th
- Pearsall Francis E. velocipedes, 1193 B'way, h 170 Clinton, B'klyn
- Pearsall George, laborer, h r 14 Essex
- Pearsall Jas, butcher, 763 Eighth av. h 301 W. 53d
- Pearsall John, carman, h 177 E. Houston
- Pearsall John, fruits, 168 Front, h 55 W. 47th
- Pearsall Jonathan, butcher, 703 Eighth av. h Pleassantville
- Pearsall Margaret, bdgh. 149 W. 14th
- Pearsall Margaret, wid. Henry, h 278 First av.
Pearsall Mary, h 1721 Third av.
- Pearsall Mary L. wid. Thos W. h 16 Lafayette pl.
- Pearsall Marvin R. tobacco, 192 Pearl, & segars, 286 Bowery, h 55 W. 47th
- Pearsall Matthias, police, h 376 Eighth
- Pearsall Richard, butcher, 354 Fourth av. h 309 E. 30th
- Pearsall Sarah, h 149 W. 14th
- Pearsall Silas, janitor, h ft. E. 26th
- Pearsall Theodore F. fruits, Fulton mkt
- Pearsall Thomas W. 29 B'way, h 26 W. 20th
- Pearsall Treadwell, fruits, 168 Front, h 134 Ft. Greene pl. B'klyn
- Pearsall Uriah, oysters, 113 Roosevelt
- Pearsall Walter, poultry, 31 Fulton mkt. h 114 Eldridge
New York City Directory, 1869
- Pearsall William, mer. 30 Whitehall, h York c Jersey av. J. C.
- Pearsall William H. h 77 Bank
- Pearsall William H. butcher, h 415 E. 24th
- Pearsall William H. butcher, 763 Eighth av. h Westchester
- Pearsall William H. H. clerk, h 415 E. 24th
- Pearsall Zophar, butcher, 4 Fulton mkt
- Pearsall C. E. & T. F. fruits, Fulton mkt
- Pearsall J. & T. fruits, 168 Front
- Pearsall J. & W. H. butchers, 763 Eighth av.
- Pearsall Brothers, velocipedes, 1193 B'way
- Pearsall Brothers & Fish. mers. 30 Whitehall
New York City Directory, 1890
- Delong & Pearsall, poultry, 7 Fulton mkt
- Gomez & Pearsall, mers. 168 Front & Pier 14 E. R.
- Pearsall Arthur, laborer, h r 319 W. 39th
- Pearsall Charles, engraver, 48 Beekman, h 66 Quiney, B'klyn
- Pearsall Charles E. fruit, 19 Fulton, h B'klyn
- Pearsall Edw'd B. broker, 18 B'way, h 34 W. 38th
- Pearsall Elizabeth, wid. Denton, h 124 E. 72d
- Pearsall Emeline A. meat, 303 W. 48th, h 357 W. 46th
- Pearsall Helen, wid. Charles, h 35 Grove
- Pearsall James W. agent, h 175 W. 95th
- Pearsall James Z. clerk, 3 Broad, h 219 Hewes, B'klyn
- Pearsall John, carpenter, 525 E. 85th
- Pearsall John H. trucks, 70 Gold. h 240 E. 110th
- Pearsall John K. meat, 303 W. 48th, h 357 W. 46th
- Pearsall John W. clerk, h 515 E. 86th
- Pearsall Joseph A. h 124 E. 72d
- Pearsall Julien, baker, h 160 W. 28th
- Pearsall Laura E. wid. Zophar, meat, 8 Fulton mkt, h Wateroury, Ct.
- Pearsall Lewis, liquors, 162 Cherry
- Pearsall Marvin R. tobacco, 52 Water, h 1501 B'way
- Pearsall Mary, wid. James, h 519 W. 52d
- Pearsall Morris H. elerk, h 300 E. 29th
- Pearsall Phebe. h 3 Waverly pl.
- Pearsall Phebe, wid. John, h 204 Ninth av.
- Pearsall Samuel J. physician, 128 W. 78th
- Pearsall Sarah E. milk, 230 W. 47th, h L. I. City
- Pearsall Silas C. poultry, 289 Washn, mkt, h 454 Koscinsko, B'klyn
- Pearsall Theodore F. fruit, 168 Front & Picr 14 E. R. h Elizabeth, N. J.
- Pearsall Thomas elerk, h 146 W. 103d
- Pearsall Thomas, painter, h 221 W. 60th
- Pearsall Thomas W. broker, 15 Wall, h 26 W. 20th
- Pearsall William, h 272 W. 143d
- Pearsall William A. clerk, 30 Cortlandt, h 694 Gates av. B'klyn
- Pearsall Wm. H. milk, 230 W. 47th, h L. I. City
- Pearsall William S. physician, 128 W. 78th
- Pearsall Zophar jr. poultry, 7 Fulton mkt, h 328 Livingston, B'klyn
- Pearsall T. W. & Co. brokers, 15 Broad