In England, Dugdale, Damden, Mackenzie, Douglas, Collins, Chetwynd,
Eyton, Erdeswicke, and many other learned men communicated the best
information they possessed concerning the noble families of England
and in their publications they gave many charts of ancestry. Since then
there has been an almost unbroken chain of criticism tending to the
correction of the errors into which these master genealogists had fallen
in consequence of other sources of knowledge being opened which they did not
possess or had not time to examine. While no one has
thereby presumed to detract from the high standing and accepted credibility of these
older genealogists, yet the result has been to bring the pedigree of certain
families nearer and nearer to perfection of detail. It can therfore
be safely asserted that no family can hope to have anything like a generally accepted chart
until at least a century after the first publication of the generations
of their ancestry. The Pearsall family is fortunate in this particular in that
as early as 1530 Sampson Erdeswicke, a very able genealogist, was employed by
the family to collate their pedigree, which was used as the basis of the
reports severally made by the Master of Arms at the visitations which followed
shortly therafter, and hence was spread upon the public records. And
Rev. Sir John Peshall published such a complete chart of the family in the year
1771, in England, and for certain patent reasons, no pedigree has ever
had to undergo such a fusillade of criticism nor to stand such searching
examination. Mr. Robert Pearsall of Teddington, Middlesex, England,
has kindly sent the writer a copy of the original notes of Rev. Sir John which
contains reference to the proff and records upon which he relied for his statement.
All the visitiations to Staffordshire passed upon the right of the family
to bear arms. The earliest of these was in 1558 and they continued
at intervals until 1664. At each of these visitations the marshals
made charts of ancestry running back in the case of the Peshall
family to before the middle of the thirteenth century. The Willsbridge Chart,
which appears in Burke's Founders and Royal Descendants, was made
and approved by the College of Heraldry about 1809 and later published
by Burke. There have been other publications relating to the English
A perfect or nearly perfect genealogy of a family is a matter of years of
search plus a lot of criticism. There is therfore only one way by which
even an approximately correct family chart can be made; that is to collect
and arrange all the availabel information into as complete a pedigree as
possible. Then to publish this pedigree, thus inviting the criticism of
all who are in any way interested therein.