Site' Award

My first award :-) Thanks DebD

Smokey (aka Booboo) first award from the CLAW organization

This award is gratefully accepted from the Brat Cats.

This beautiful award was from Lee Ann who also loves stray kitties.

This is an award we won with lots of hard work on our part. We think we've done a wonderful job of training our humans. If you wish to know if you qualify too, just click the above image and do the quiz.

Isn't this the sweetest kitty, Riley really loves this award. Please vist Lisavoilet site lots to do and question of the day etc.

Our mestest award from our Buddy Cody's furends at CanadaUSA spay neuter site. You can apply for a Cody Award on this page too.

our award from CanadaUSA spay neuter site. Please vist they have a wonderful site.

Our award from Minnie. We were thrilled to open our mail and find this lovely award. Thanks Minnie, for making all our hard work feel worth it :-) MINNIE'S MENAGERIE

Our new award for the naming of the Mighty Mews News Letter, Mews and Views.

our newest award from The Web Cats Pet Club.

This award is from Smokey who lives at Smokey's Pets R People 2!.Thanks.

Please take time to visit these nice people who have given us these awards. They also have great sites and maybe you'd like to get an award for your cats page too.

This "A Stray Cat No More" site is owned by
Booboo & Riley.

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