PHOTOS9 Pictures Pictures Pictures!


Baby bunnies we found in our sand box on Easter!

Newborn rabbits

Wanda's dog Heidi

April won a big stuffed bunny in a contest!

Chris and her daughters on Mother's Day

Mom & kids at annual Frank 'N' Stein's brunch in Byron

April on Grandpa's tractor

Chris & Heather old time fair photo 1991

Mary, Gram S and Mark on Gram's 84th birthday 10-1-00

G-pa Z tickling April

April feeding Zack

Heather with her blonde wig

Heather's first formal dance!

Heather & Matt before Homecoming 10-7-00

Heather and her date

Heather & Matt (see corsage!)

Heather's "up-do" hairstyle for dance (profile)

Heather had stylist put glitter and butterfly clips in her hair!

April in "bee" dress 10/2000

Chris' dad "Billy" as a baby in 1942

Chris' family around 1970

Chris' parents in the 70's

Chris' dad's old Army photos from 1960-1961

Dad's mom gave me old photos of him and mom and little Wanda

Chris' dad's dad, Walt, in the 50's (?)

Chris' dad, Bill, in the Army

April age 5 at grandma & grandpa Z's house Oct. 2000

April the turkey

April with a Lego dinosaur at Lego Land

April hangs on treadmill

April in singing Barbie costume

April in "Blossom the Power Puff Girl" costume

Grampa Z & Hedder

April with hippy glasses