Welcome to Eunice's Website!

6-26-04 "Big Time Happy" Daylily


 Thanks for stopping by.... My husband, Lex, and I live on the Eastern Shore of MD....My intrests are:  My Family, Friends, Music, Growing Daylilies, Photography & Nascar....


Below are some of my favorite links!

Click on photos...

Lex... My husband worked for Reichhold Chemicals near Dover, De for 36 years and is now retired. He is an avid bowhunter, and enjoys hunting and shooting 3D with his friends from the Bowsite. Lex also plays electric bass in the Bitter Creek bluegrass band. Check out the rest of the band......

Joyce... My daughter, lives near Smyrna, DE. She works at Dover International Speedway...Joyce and I enjoy doing almost anything together, which includes Nascar and visiting the Outer Banks. In July 2003 we went tuna Fishing on The Trophy Hunter out of Oregon Inlet, NC....Her husband, George, is one great son in-law! Check out her site and you'll see lots of interesting and humorous things....

Lex, Jr...My youngest son, an accomplished musician, plays bass, mandolin and guitar and resides in Nashville, TN. In 1997 he toured the states with Danny Johnson, Steppenwolf  guitarist. He also played bass and mandolin on John Kay's new solo album, "Heretics and Privateers". In April, 1999, he visited Germany and Schongau with his Eastern Shore band, "Toy Factory". In 1999-2000 he toured with The Judith Edelman Band...... Lex is now playing mandolin for singer/songwriter, Clare Burson, and co-produced her new CD, "The In-Between". He's also seen backing up local Nashville artists Sarah Siskind, Carter Wood, Victor Mecyssne, Julie Lee, Missy Raines and Kathy Chiavola. He recently recorded mandolin on the song "Jolene" sung by Mindy Smith on the tribute to Dolly Parton album, "Just Because I'm a Woman", to be released October 14, 2003.....To hear clips of the album go to Sugar Hill Records....On October 9th, 2003, Lex will be performing with Dolly Parton and Mindy Smith on the tonight show, with Jay Leno..... Another project will be a CMT Crossroads show with Dolly Parton and Melissa Etheridge , debuting November 28, 2003.....February 3, 2004 he will be appearing on Late Night With Conan O'brien show with Mindy Smith.....March 13, 2004 he's appearing on CMT's "Most Wanted Live" show with Mindy Smith.....Lex has been touring with Mindy all summer and they will be traveling to the United Kingdom to play July 22nd thru August 1st 2004 and will also do one show in Ireland.....Beginning October 2004 Lex will begin a fall tour with Mindy Smith....  Click on Lex's photo to reach his official website.

  Jim... My oldest son, builds portable climbing walls and manages American Rock Climbing  in Orlando, FL.....  Jim is also a Hang Gliding pilot/instructor. A real fun sport...Try it, you'll love it!...(I did)...Jim has traveled as far as Puerto Rico and Hawaii to Hang Glide. Click photo to check out Jim's Hang Gliding photos.....

Jeff...(aka Tennbow) My good friend from Nashville, TN, was the very first person that I had the pleasure of meeting from the Bowsite.....I am so sorry to announce that Jeff developed cancer and passed away January 10, 2004. We will all surely miss him..... Steve, (aka Rupe) was the first person my husband met by visiting the Bowsite. He is a great guy and my daughter, Joyce, and I fell in love with his two gorgeous little girls.....Click on Jeff's photo to see more Bowsite friends that I have met.......Here are some Bowsite friends that I would like to meet.....





Photos by Eunice M. Price - except where noted.....

Site designed and maintained by Eunice M. Price

Still under construction!!!
Stop back often.