Welcome to my Guestbook! We look forward to hearing from you!

- 07/30/00 05:51:20
My URL:blanesch@juno.com

Lori, Finally found your website again. Tokk me awhile going thru the geocities stuff. Anyways, house looks good thru your last set of pictures. Any new updates? Blane

Mom - 04/18/00 12:34:14
My URL:vinelet@digitex.net

Anxious to see what has been happening ! Sure looks good. Next best is to see it in person. Love to all of you, Mom

Nia - 02/20/00 03:43:15
My URL:lina4655@hotmail.com

Verry good,my kids love see lego land come and see my site if you like http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com:6010/ResortRd/herveybay/

Wendy - 01/31/00 13:21:21
My URL:Angelw29@aol.com

Hi Lori!:) You have a beautiful site.:) Hope that your LOA is going well. We sure do miss you and hope that you will come back soon.*G* *HUG*

Missy - 01/23/00 02:13:40
My URL:missyfox41@yahoo.com

Hi!!! I really enjoyed visiting your website! I'm a CL in Ranch and in Flats too! You've got a really great Family, and how proud you must be of your Dad. :) Hugs, Missy

Anna - 12/31/99 09:40:49
My URL:anna_starr_cool@hotmail.com

Nice Homepage.... =)

doug McCormack - 11/23/99 07:03:04
My URL:dwm13@hotmail.com

Jen's getting to be quite the young lady, very pretty girl I hope she does make it to broadway. Guess you all are doing o.k. we are having a blast fishing on the tx coast. see ya

Liane - 09/06/99 06:56:35
My URL:ljwhitson@aol.com

Howdy. Great pics as usual. I cannot believe how much Jennifer looks like you! And Luke is really looking more like Scott than he used to. Sounds like it was a fun - and filled - summer. One of these days we'll do the Sea World thing and try to drag ou along yet again. We'll probably do Disneyland again next year when Cindi and her family come out. Maybe we can all coordinate! I'm off to bed - garage sale and soccer wore me out yesterday. Kids and husband wore me out today. It's almost midnight nd I am hoping the kids will surprise me and sleep until at least 8am tomorrow. Hope your Labor Day is labor free!

pop-pop - 08/24/99 19:48:09

great presentation,but then I would think so. But then I like all your pages.

Aunt June - 07/24/99 19:45:18
My URL:ShalenJ@aol.com

John: You are getting to be a hunk. Ten years old, I can't believe it. Congratulations on earning your Webelos badge. We are all so proud of you. Lots of love, Aunt June

John - 07/07/99 23:15:38
My URL:jn_50@hotmail.com

Lori... What a great homepage. You have a beautiful family. *smiles* John

Barb - 07/03/99 21:02:33
My URL:Blanebarb@aol.com

Lori, I love the 1Cor.13 Paraphrase so true!! I am missing you. How was John's B-day? Did Tim's letter arrive and could you read it? his writing is still terrible but they say there is no more that we can do. hope the house is coming along. love BArb

Jennifer - 06/28/99 05:45:12
My URL:jennweb@geocities.com

Beautiful web site! I love the colors and graphics. Please visit my site at JennWeb Christian Corner. God bless!

Angi - 06/18/99 17:11:28
My URL:angiw@geocities.com


Hi Lori! :-)

This is a wonderful web site, I can see
that you've really taken the time to make
it a very nice place to visit. :-)

Well done!
Congrats on becoming a GeoCities CL! :-)))


GeoCities Heartland Community Leader

Heartland Angels Committee

WebTech University HTML 101 Instructor

My Home Page:

Absolutely Angi

Liane - 06/18/99 06:25:26
My URL:ljwhitson

You are so cool! I just love all this hi-tech family update stuff! The kids are asleep or Grant would have hi-tailed it in here when he heard "You've Got a Friend in Me" - one of his favorites. Legoland looks much more fun than what I have heard. The aseball pics were great - Luke has changed so much! And just WHAT are you going to do once you remove that great deck??? I am anxious to see the updates on that one! If I ever get this family down there for a visit, I will surely have you teach me to d a web page, too - you graduate you! Toodles!

Jeff Carter - 06/09/99 23:11:24
My URL:jcatmmc@qol.com

Hi Guys, The page looks great! I can't believe how fast the kids are growing. You better put bricks on Luke's feet. Hope everyone is doing well. Semper Fi, Jeff

Aunt June - 05/10/99 17:23:22

Lori. Your trip looks and sounds fantastic. I cannot imagine that you got so much into just a few days. New York is great, isn't it. If you walked out the front door of Sardis, down the alley, you would come to the Marriott on Times Square which is whe e Dick and I usually stay. It is just too convenient to the theatre area. Sounds like a great time and glad you could go.

June Christensen - 03/21/99 19:11:21
My URL:ShalenJ@aol.com

I love your new web site. I don't know how you do it, but perhaps you can give me lessons. I may try the geocities approach. Guess we can always include pictures of grandchildren and our new dog Pako (black lab) and Old Sophie. Love you guys. I enjoy seeing you all. Aunt June

Steve Daugherty - 03/02/99 04:15:58
My URL:scdaugherty@earthlink.net

Just when we get flush with a few shots on a webpage, you raced ahead with a gamewinner!! Idaho looked stunning! We are running off to Tahoe this weekend for a 3-dayer with some friends, and am looking forward to a real BREAK (not the bones!!) Hopefull we will do an extended fun week this year w/kids since a companion pass on Swest now gets us there at half the cost!! Yee haw!! Hugs to y'alls lil' ones. Lori and Steve...

pop=pop - 02/14/99 18:05:35


Liane - 02/06/99 22:39:12

You and those Beanie Babies! Leigh and I went to the grocery store today and there was this ridiculous line of people at the card store next door doing the Beanie thing. I don't get it. Are they gonna make you rich one day?? I'll be eating my words! njoyed your pics! More later!

Liane&Grant - 01/13/99 00:13:44

Hi Strom family! welcome back to California. Grant and I are about to play ARthur, but we wanted to look at your pictures first. We enjoyed them. Grant says he wants you to come see our house, however, since it is only framed at this point, there is n rush!

Liane - 11/14/98 01:12:56
My URL:ljwhitson

Hi! Received the pumpkin pictures loud and clear, too cute! I am in the market for a new camera and yours looks like it takes terrific pictures - is it one of those fancy ones with lens attachments, etc., or one all in one piece?? Please let me know yo r opinion on it and what kind it is. My current one is a Nikon Zoom 400, but it is about 7 years old and has been smashed around, dropped, etc. a few too many times. If I come to visit in January (depending, of course, on the status of our house-to-be, will you have computer school??!! Oh, and are you still watching Friends?! I just love it! Although seeing Courteney Cox waste away to nothing, not to mention Jennifer Anniston's shapely figure, gorgeous hair, etc., sure does make me feel like an old fuddy duddy! Toodles!

Pritch - 11/13/98 13:49:27
My URL:wakenut/io.com

What a handsome young man up on that hay stack. Do you think he's a little young for hay stacks.

T-town D. - 11/12/98 17:54:10
My URL:sdaugherty@coral-energy.com

Fall in Tulsa means LEAVES FALL!! Already had a 2 foot pile a house length long in the street to grind with the old mower!! Yikes..filled 10 bags!! Our spooky time had the boys in great "spirits" and it was the best ever. Baby Blake is gorgeous and gr wing ounce by ounce. Poor Lori has mastitis (sp?) so I stayed home to help yest. Otherwise, all is great; he's probably at 9 pounds now. Blake (AND Will and Grant are) is definitely an eater! Hugs to all your crew!

Aunt June - 11/10/98 19:35:06
My URL:ShalenJ@aol.com

Hi Lori and Scott and Family. I love your web page. I have been checking them out and enjoyed seeing the pictures of you all from the Ball Game. Hope you keep doing this as it is a good way to see you all when we can't visit one another. Looks like yo r Halloween was great. Diane, David and Manon are anxious to see you. Love you all. Aunt June

Susan - 11/10/98 16:02:25
My URL:Spodgorski

ADORABLE! The kids look great, but where were pictures of you this time????

Gramme & Gramps - 11/10/98 14:22:29
My URL:lmyjjl or vinelet

All of those punkin's are really sweet and thought Jenn did make for a great scare crow ! Looking forward to having all of those 'farm-hands' here soon. Love to all.

Liane - 11/04/98 00:15:34
My URL:ljwhitson

OK, if I drive down there one day, will you hold a "Lori's Computer Class for Dummies" so I can learn all your neat techniques??!! And did you not just die to see Scott Wolf???!! I just started watching that show the end of last year because so many of y friends said it was so good, and now I am hooked. And he is adorable, to say the least. Just how did you get such awesome seats?? I must show Frank your web page. He followed the series (naturally, any sports playoff) to the end, unlike myself! Bye By the way, I left you a long message on your last website of your birthday - do you really get these messages?

barb - 11/01/98 06:47:27
My URL:blanebarb@aol.com

Wow! Sounds like fun, we watched part of that game on t.v. and thought about you,wondered if you were there what a kick to know that you were. I'll watch for the bears but around here the bears tend to be very expensive ( against Ty rules) or you must buy several other beanies to get one for under $10 . love Barb

Mom - 11/01/98 03:58:30

Know you have great fun ! Web page always good, this one super as well. Keep it up. Love, Mom

Steve "Sleepless" D. - 10/27/98 17:45:13
My URL:you got it

Hey, you good lookin' babes in Las Vegas better be glad that didn't happen 20 years ago, your hubbies would have had some strong competition! Not bad lookin' for a bunch of 26 year old chicks. Woops! There's the old Texas slang sliding in...love the pa e and glad you had a good time. To celebrate my 40th, I think we will be in Tahoe in February (brrrrrrrrr). Come join us if you want. We will be SANS kiddos!! Definitely will need a break by then!

Liane - 10/27/98 07:50:08
My URL:ljwhitson

You are so computer hip! I loved all the pictures and hopefully, one day, you can teach me how to do it so I can send some back your way. How ever did you get the beanie babies pics on there?? Vegas!! Are Julie and Jennifer the two I met at Bunco? I don't recognize Marianne, do I? How fun! Was it a surprise? Did you drive there? Last time we went we stayed at the Excalibur and hated it, but we never tried the eat with your fingers place. It was always closed. Kind of like Medieval Times I would suppose. Did you stay two nights without hubbies and kids, or just one? I should moan and groan that your friends never told me so I could have surprised you there, but you know me, I would never have been able to swing being away from the kiddos for that long - not yet anyway, but I'm sure it will grow on me! OK, now at least I know how you celebrated your birthday! Keep those pictures coming!

Barb - 10/24/98 22:05:35
My URL:blanebarb@aol.com

I found Wise the Owl for you see your e-mail dated 10/24/98 I'll put a tag protecter on it and put in a zip-lock bag until I hear form you. Love, BArb

Brad Jensen - 10/21/98 21:19:11
My URL:brad.jensen@columbia.net

Hey Lori - great looking page! The kids are getting big.

Old Farty Darty - 09/20/98 20:49:36
My URL:sdaugherty@coral-energy.com

Welcome to the days of hair growing out your ears, dithering knee pains, and "loose fit jeans" priority shopping. Gastrointestinal prob's can be solved w/Beano Tabs. Next trip to the Zoo, note they do rent canes and wheelchairs. So turn the camera and dd yourself to the page, so we can see what it looks like to turn 40 in the youthful state!! Love and hugs from all our clan - happy birthday from Grant, Will, me, Lori, and little one to be. Loved readin' Mom's comment; tell her hey and give her a hug. Have a grand, and I mean GRAND mom's birthday. Ha ha!!

Leslie Boockoff - 09/20/98 18:15:20
My URL:boockoff@aol.com

Lori- Great page! Nice photos!

Barb - 09/18/98 19:28:26
My URL:blanebarb@aol.com

Hi I love it, I can't believe how grown up Luke is! We love your last page but Blane wrote my comments w/o asking me what I wanted to say. I'll e-mail you soon. Barb

Barb schwab - 09/18/98 03:20:49
My URL:blanebarb@aol.com

Hey!!! We made it!!!???!!!

T. Kerley - 09/11/98 04:43:12
My URL:kerleyt@aol.com

The page looks great. The kids have certainly grown while I was away. Can't wait to see you. -Tom

Wicked Stepmother - 09/06/98 02:34:29
My URL:nancysword@aol.com

Good Birthday Page!!! He looks better at 40 than 24 (mother speaking) Love, W. S.

Bob Neal - 09/04/98 14:12:55
My URL:bob_neal@gsmarketing.com

I don't have time to review your tribute right now, but I do look forward to seeing it later. I have to take it easy on ol' Hands Daugherty, as my birthday is just two weeks away. At least it's just my 39th, though.

Sister Katie - 09/02/98 21:18:03
My URL:kate-s@geocities.com

Hi, I'm your community leader. Welcome to Heartland. If you have any questions, drop me a line. I love the music!!!! I look forward to watching your page grow.

Gayle Richins - 09/01/98 14:03:04
My URL:ronaldrichins@worldnet.att.net

Great page, Lori! It's nice to see some pictures of your family.

Momma - 08/24/98 16:28:32
My URL:fistygirl@aol.com

You are right, the music is 'awesome' If you have that on tape, would you please send it to me,,,just the right singing range for using with my children's choir....Thanks....Love you all so much. Mom

Bruce Reid - 08/22/98 16:53:02
My URL:brucer4949@aol.com

Looks great... I didn't realize that aol had the web page capability. I'll try one some time (if I start now, maybe it'll happen before the millenium)

David Christensen - 08/18/98 21:58:05

Hey - Cool web site - And I can see that my sister has visited too. This is the closest that I have been to seeing her in over a year! Keep up the site and the good work. (Hi sis)

Diane Ambrico - 08/17/98 19:15:43
Today's Date: 8/17/98
Finally found it!! How fun so see Mannie and the kids on the screen! CAn't wait until the next update. Hello a to all. Diane

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