Come fly with me to a world
of my own ...


Hi Everyone.  Thanks for dropping by!
I truly do live in a world of my own, always have I guess.
This site has been a labour of  Love, laughs, dreams & many
things of wonder...and of course memories.
Some good...some sad.  Sound is life...
as most of us know it. Just average every day folk.
I'm not  unique...
no big  " Star " lives here.
Just a " dreamer "...always have been.

I did this site because I fell in love...........with the big
wide world of the web. Yep...I'm addicted.   Can't deny it.
Anyone who knows me will tell you that is a fact,
especially my husband ( he hates the mere mention of computers )
It's quite ironic that when I finally stopped surfing
the net and decided to do a site of my own,
he asked  me to build a Fishing site for his group first.

It has been a great learning experience and  will be constantly fine tuned
along with this site.  That's the amazing thing about the Web...
you learn new things, new techniques every day.
 I envy the new generation as they will soar
all over the world via the Internet.  It will close the distance
between countries and also broaden their minds
about the different cultures.

This site is about " me and mine " ...about the things I love....
things I enjoy and the treasures I have found while surfing the net.
There is a never ending reservoir of talent out there.
I have seen things of beauty, sites that made me
laugh and shed a tear...
and I have only just begun to soar.

I hope that some of my pages will do that for you too...maybe
one of my own sites or one of my many favourites
will make a change in your life as they have mine and with  won't be bored.   Well enough rambling ( rambling is
 one of my biggest faults ) where was I ?  Oh Yes ...
time to move on........I was born.....
don't panic...just kidding!

Let the flight begin

's own creation
with my own little hands
(& little mind)

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