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Welcome to the News
of the Abernathy Clan!

Hello, Family. As of June 29, 1999, the webmaster for this family site will maintained by Raymond. Our news will be at It will be awhile before we can get that updated, but check on us often.

Read the family news; send your family's news and photos
to be added to this web site.

It started with
Virginia Bell and Walter Hayes and, then, there were 12 of us!

Along came 25--count them--25 grandchildren! Does anyone know how many great-grandchildren at this point!?! Maybe we should give a prize to the family member who can answer that!

Click on each child to go to that child's family's page. Cookie

Dad/Mom/Dot/Hayes, Jr./Billy/Jimmy/Cecil/Raymond/Katherine/Marjorie/Fran/Don/Betty/Grace
Click on each child to go to that child's family's web page.

Each page has been started. Please send info. and photos; have someone in your family email the text to me, and I'll put it on your page.

All email addresses in blue are active links; double-click on the words and an email form to that address will appear.

I'm finished for now. All you grandchildren are of the computer generation. If you grandkids want a page for your family, please click on the "Get your own free home page" icon down below and create one. I'll be glad to create a link from your parents' page to yours.


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This site is and probably always will be under construction.
All you Abernathys and descendants:
Email news about and photos of your family to the email address below.
We want to know all your family's news!

Send stuff to Raymond

This site is currently being maintained by

Raymond Abernathy.

© 1998

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