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Darlene and Howard's Homestead

spinning earth

Tree Our virtual house Fountain

Welcome Gate

Welcome to our Web Site (our virtual home).

Hi, we are the team of Darlene and Howard.
We are currently in the process of redecorating our homestead.

Our current interests are:
Genealogy, shelties, health, computing, accounting, western square dancing and round dancing.

The description of our page is:

The objective of our homestead is: 1) To try the various (tables, frames, etc.) techniques of the basic HTML language 2) To introduce our extended family using photographs 3) To try more advanced effects on our "special" page We will continue to add to the homestead as we learn new techniques.

Enter And now please come in and join our family. Click on the door, to enter, or the little house to visit our "special" effects page.

Darlene's page using frames.

Howard's page with "This day in History" and Soundex Converter.

Katie's page with background change.

Our extended family's page with photographs.

Our "special" page with special effects.

© 1998-2005 by Darlene and Howard.

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Last Update: January 26, 2005

Please come back and visit us often.

Guarding Dog

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