I prayed to God to help me overcome my judgmental nature.
Knowing it went against the love of our Father creator.
I wondered what God would ultimately do,
what method He would use to pull me through.
The lessons came as a total surprise,
the answers had always been right under my eyes.
The flaw laid in my own open wounds.
Emotions that took up much of the Spirit's room.
I noticed what I saw in others,
were the same habits that kept me smothered.
As I grew to understand and acknowledge deeper sin,
I realized it’s a struggle we all share in.
As my own open wounds of pride and fear began to heal,
I was able to understand more of how others must feel.
When I noticed quirks in them that weren't quit right,
God gave me empathy that changed my insight.
I could sympathize with their growing pains,
knowing in the end sanctification is every Christians aim.
We just all started out at different points in the game.
I give you an allegory, a parable of sorts,
to help you understand how this might work.
An exposed wound becomes a target, a festering sore,
one that opens all kinds of decaying, nasty doors.
When wounds are left untended and poison seeps out,
it pours into the soul,
as it spreads the disease about.
Its your own paranoia's,
that fuel the destroyer.
Many of the thoughts flooding in our head,
are fed by the desire to sever from sins we dread.
Yet its much easier for us to fight someone else's battles,
because its not your cage that's being rattled!
Are your emotions still to raw?
Do you allow yourself to be controlled by other people's faults?
Just filling in your own open wounds with salt.
Remember that Jesus has promised to heal them all.
Keep your eyes on what He alone did,
as you endure the cure.
Its really pretty easy,
you'll find it prescribed in His word.
Accept your own defects and don't pick on others,
because we are all growing, spiritual brothers.
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