Cat & Pumpkins

Well, I have to admit, Halloween has never been my favorite holiday. I always thought it would make more sense to get excited about a nicer holiday - like Valentine's Day. The history of Halloween, however, is fascinating! I love all the legends and scary stories. Here are some links to a few of my favorite stories and some information on the origins and customs surrounding Halloween.

Halloween Pages
Traditions and Customs Legend of Sleepy Hollow Bluebeard by Brothers Grimm
The Raven

Thank you so much for the Halloween gift! Click on the award and visit "Marvelicious Halloween". She has a great site and is well worth the visit!

Halloween Websites

The 10 Most Haunted Places in America
Billy Bear's Happy Halloween
C-Net Halloween on the Web
Dani's Halloween Page
Dracula's Castle
Halloween On the Net
Horror in Literature
Halloween:Fantasy and Folklore
Macabre Midi's
Marvelicious Halloween
Stormie's Halloween

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Sunset Web Designs Graphics by Pee Lee Krissanne's Country Creations

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