Roman de la Rose by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

"'’If all else perished, and he [Heathcliff] remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger: I should not seem a part of it. My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods: time will change it, I’m well aware, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath: a source of little visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I am Heathcliff! He’s always, always in my mind: not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself, but as my own being.'

-- from Wuthering Heights
Emily Brontë

The Feast of Lupercalia and
The History of Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day may have its origins in the Roman festival Lupercalia, observed on Feb. 15. Lupercalia celebrated the coming of Spring in the Roman calendar (February was observed later in the year than it is today). Lupercalia was associated with the Roman gods Lupercus and Faunus. Lupercus watched over shepherds and their flocks and Lupercalia became a celebration intended to ensure the fertility of flocks, fields and people.

On Lupercalia, goats and dogs sacrificed on Palatine Hill (fabled birth home known as Luperci) would then race on streets beneath the hill wielding goat-skin thongs called februa. They would lash women gathered in the streets with their thongs. Februa lashing ( a februatio) supposedly ensured fertility and easy child delivery.

The celebration of Lupercalia transformed and spread as the Roman Empire grew. During the celebrations of Lupercalia Rome conquered France, and it is then that the first Valentine-like cards may have been exchanged. Apparently, a container in which women had placed their names (possibly accompanied by love notes) was used in a lottery. Men drawing a women’s name would either seek or were guaranteed (this detail seems obscured by time) a woman’s “favors” whatever those might be.

Saint Valentine’s Day

The legend of St. Valentine stems from real-life martyrs from the Roman Empire known as Valentines. It is unsure who was the St. Valentine, but two candidates are related here. One of these Valentines is believed to have been a Roman priest and physician. Killed in the third century, during the persecutions of the Emperor Claudius II Gothicus (the Groth). After his death this Valentine was apparently buried in the Roman road Via Flaminia. Pope Julius I is said to have later built a basilica above his grave. A second Saint Valentine candidate believed to be a bishop of Teni ( a province in central Italy) was executed in Rome.

These men’s status comes from legends of harboring Christians from persecution, curing the blindness of a cell keeper’s daughter, and of possibly, along with conducting marriages while they were forbidden during times of war. It is perhaps this last repute and the traditions of Lupercalia, that coupled to honor St. Valentine as the patron saint of lovers.


From its association with Lupercalia, and that day’s connection to fertility, comes St. Valentine’s association with love and romance. This led Valentine’s enthusiasts to co-opt the Roman god Cupid as a patron of Valentine’s day. Cupid is also known as Amor or Eros in Greek mythology. Eros seems to have been responsible for impregnating a number of goddesses and mortals. The ancient Greeks believed Eros was the force “love,” a force they believe was behind all creation.

Valentine Websites

Love Poetry -- classical, popular, submit your own!

The Bronte Sisters Web -- read about the dark, romantic classic Wuthering Heights

The Pre-Raphaelite poets --poetry and artists of a bygone era

Billy Bear 4 Kids -- lots of fun for kids and adults

Amore on the Net -- a celebration for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day -- history, facts, lore and fun

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