Camping and Hiking  

Ever since I can remember, I love the Outdoors. Mother Nature has a special way to amaze us, and I love to be amazed by her.

Plus, I'm lucky enough to have a husband that shares my passion, and a very extreme brother with whom it's easy to go to the most interesting places and live great adventures.

We also have lots of friends who enjoy these activities, and go out with them whenever we have the chance.

So, since my "girl scout" years, camping and hiking have been two of my main hobbies, and now that my family is growing, I intend to make it also a family thing.

Here are some pictures of my hiking and camping trips.

M central summit, September 1996
Enjoying the Outdoors together, 2000
Camping with friends at Huachichil, 2001
El Tarrillal, March 2001
La Camotera, 2001 (with my little nephew)
Training for Iztaccíhuatl at el Piquito, January 2003
Training for Iztaccíhuatl at La Viga, January 2003
Potrero Redondo, June 2003
Camping at El Epazote, Chipinque, to climb El Copete de las Águilas the next day, July 2003
Hiking at Chipinque, July 2003