Script: index_points.script This script makes a couple of assumptions: 1) The % symbol is not used in C:P.B naming. 2) Your graphics screen files are all in a single directory branch, ie. a directory and it's subdirectories (and their subdirectories, etc...), such as /usr/disp. 3) The creation of several files in this directory (which can be moved or removed after execution) will not be a problem. Files created are named temp.1 temp.2 connect_screen.txt connect_point.txt so make sure there will not be any name conflicts. To use this script: 1) Copy it to the directory (such as /usr/disp) where screen files and subdirectories containing screen files are located. 2) Make it executable (chmod a+x index_points.script) and rehash if necessary for your shell. 3) Run index_points.script with no parameters. 4) Wait. It takes about 20 minutes on our system for the script to work through all the screen files and run a Display Reporter report on each one. The rest of the script only takes a minute or less. 5) Use the ASCII text files (connect_screen.txt and connect_point.txt) however you want. I read them into Excel and print a copy of each for binders every month or two, and I update a searchable database with this information weekly (it is very easy to make the output comma separated if you need it that way for a database).