Script: man_report This script makes a couple of site specific assumptions: 1) Block names of blocks that the PSR (Process Summary Reporter) would typically show in manual can be summarized as those where: a) Block name is STATION, a station block b) Block name starts with TOTAL ie. TOTAL or TOTAL3 a site specific reporting block. c) Block name starts with any character followed by "Y_" ie. LY_2407 a transducer or output block that at our site may often be in manual. d) Block name starts with any character followed by "IC_" ie. LIC_2407 a controller block that at our site may often be in manual. e) Block name starts with any character followed by "YC_" ie. LYC_2407 a calculation or similar function block. f) Block name starts with "SW_" ie. SW_2407 a switch block. We assume any block name that didn't meet one of these criteria should not be in manual under normal operations. 2) You bypass equipment interlocks through the DCS by changing the state of a block parameter. To use this script: 1) Copy the "man_report" script to a directory where it is convenient to keep administrative programs. The script assumes the use of the directory /usr/scripts 2) Copy the "bypasses" script to the same directory and use it as a template replace the descriptions and C:B.P names with ones appropriate to your site. If your nodebus is heavily loaded you may wish to add a sleep command (sleep 2) after each omget. 3) Create a PSR Cfg file named "shiftm" in which you highlight "In manual", highlight entries under "Control processors", put * in Compound and Block fields, use "shiftm" as the Cfg file name, highlight "File" for Output and use "shift_info" as the output file name, and push SAVE. 4) Make both scripts executable (use chmod a+x "filename") and rehash if necessary for your shell. 5) Run man_report with no parameters, or set it to run each shift in crontab. If you use crontab you should plan to do something with the response from the lp command that prints the report at the end of the script, otherwise a mail message will be generated each time the script is run. You can direct this output to a log file: 02 18 * * * /usr/scripts/man_report > /usr/scripts/man_report.log or send it to nul.