Our New House

In Stanmore Bay, New Zealand (on the Hibiscus Coast)

Front of the house.

Click on the links below to see other pictures of the house. Use your "back" button to return.

"Before" pictures (before the remodeling):
Back of the house
Back yard and garage
Entry way, from kitchen, lounge on the left and Sabrina's bedroom on the right
Lounge, looking towards the road
Lounge, looking back through kitchen out the back door
Lounge, looking back (2)
Galen's bedroom
Master bedroom
Floor plan sketch

"After" pictures -- or mostly done anyway:
Sabrina's room
Galen's room
Master bedroom
Hallway, looking from Galen's room
Dining room overlooking lounge
View out the lounge window -- no remodeling, just pretty spring flowers!
Back yard (and garage) on a nice day
New floorplan (combined toilet & bathroom)

There are only minor changes now from the rooms as pictured. Most of the windows and architrave have been painted since the pictures were taken.


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