This Tract Book was reconstructed by Duke Vickrey from the General Land Office Automated Records - Alabama. Copyright 2001 Duke Vickrey, Gulf Breeze, FL
Houston County was created February 9, 1903 from Henry County and Geneva County. To see a map showing the historical boundary changes to Geneva County and Houston County, click here:
Map showing historical boundaries of Geneva and Houston Counties
Houston County land was surveyed from the St. Stephens Base Line, which was intended to be run on the 31st parallel. The 31st parallel was the northern border of Florida agreed upon by the British, Spanish and Americans. In fact, the St. Stephens Base Line was erroneously run about a mile or so north of the 31st parallel in the area which was later to become Houston County. Before the actual boundary between Florida and Alabama was settled in 1848, the surveys for Florida land had been extended beyond what was later to become the border and up to the St. Stephens Base Line. Rather than resurvey the land south of the St. Stephens Base Line, the General Land Office in Alabama used the Florida surveys when granting that land. Thus, approximately 20,000 acres of land in Houston County today is designated by Florida Coordinates, as measured from the Tallahassee Base Line. To see a map showing the specific grants in this area, click here:
Map showing grants in Houston County along the Florida Boundary
To see the township, range and section map of Houston County or to see the Houston County Index or to go to one of the other Range Tract Books, click on the links below:
Map of Houston
Range 26E
Range 27E
Range 28E
Range 29E
Range 30E
Ranges 8W - 13W (Tallahassee Base
EXPLANATION of the entries: The entries in this
Reconstructed Tract Book
are arranged first by Range, then by Township, then by
Section. The
following information is provided:
Col. 1 - Quadrant of Section or Lot number granted
Col. 2 - Section number:
Col. 3 - Township number;
Col. 4 - Range number;
Col. 5 - Last name of grantee;
Col. 6 - First name of grantee;
Col. 7 - Middle initial of grantee, if given;
Col. 8 - Patent certificate number for grant;
Col. 9 - Type of grant, C - cash, H - homestead
Col. 10 - Signature date on patent certificate
E 24 3N 23E* Gilley James 3809 C 1837/08/15 F 24 3N 23E* Jones Henry T** 3772 C 1837/08/15 (* may be in Dale Co.**assignee of James Pugh)
NE/SE 25 3N 23E* Kinsaul Jesse 6619 C 1841/12/10 SE/SE 25 3N 23E* Kinsauls William 14108 C 1854/07/15 SW/SE 25 3N 23E* Kinsauls Augustus 14491 C 1854/07/15 C 25 3N 23E**Ledbetter Seabourne 1326 C 1831/08/25 E 25 3N 23E* Kinsel John 4669 C 1837/08/21 F 25 3N 23E* Gilley James 3810 C 1837/08/15 G 25 3N 23E* Pate Jeremiah 4641 C 1837/08/21 H 25 3N 23E* Kinsel John 4767 C 1839/09/20 (* may be in Dale Co.** north fraction of C)
S/SE 32 4N 24E* Williams Robert J 19889 C 1858/09/01 (* may be in Dale Co.)
SE/SE 33 4N 24E* Draughon James W 465 H 1876/02/01 SW/SE 33 4N 24E* Pruitt Appleton W 15177 H 1896/12/22 SE/SW 33 4N 24E* Davis Henry 18924 C 1858/11/01 SW/SW 33 4N 24E* Davis Henry 18924 C 1858/11/01 (* may be in Dale Co.)
SE/SE 34 4N 24E* Gardner John L 15946 H 1898/02/03 SW/SE 34 4N 24E* Lee Shadrick 7811 H 1892/02/08 E/SW 34 4N 24E* Cullefer James L 18198 C 1858/09/01 (* may be in Dale Co.)
SE/SE 35 4N 24E* McSween Angus 11926 C 1852/12/01 W/SE 35 4N 24E* Echols Ransom W 16427 C 1858/09/01 SW 35 4N 24E* Echols Ransom W 16427 C 1858/09/01 (* may be in Dale Co.)
SW/SW 36 4N 24E* McSween Angus 11927 C 1852/12/01 (* may be in Dale Co.)
E/NE 1 3N 24E* Gilley Jeremiah 20891 C 1858/11/01 SE 1 3N 24E Thomas Solomon 4135 H 1885/05/25 S/SW 1 3N 24E Sasser Lewis D 9702 H 1891/11/03 NW/SW 1 3N 24E Ingram Mathew T 12206 H 1894/06/15 S/NW 1 3N 24E Hollis Sampson T 4136 H 1885/05/25 NW/NW 1 3N 24E Roberts Missouria A** 20634 H 1906/06/30 (* may be in Dale Co.**widow of John T. Roberts)
E/NE 2 3N 24E Hollis Sampson T 4136 H 1885/05/25 W/NE 2 3N 24E Lamon Mark 11228 H 1892/10/08 N/SE 2 3N 24E Ingram Mathew T 12206 H 1894/06/15 SE/SE 2 3N 24E Ingram Mathew T 12206 H 1894/06/15 SW/SE 2 3N 24E Lee John J 10745 H 1892/03/26 SE/SW 2 3N 24E Lee John J 10745 H 1892/03/26 SW/SW 2 3N 24E McSwain Angus 17814 C 1884/03/20 NW/SW 2 3N 24E Speller Nathaniel S 11145 H 1892/06/10 NE/NW 2 3N 24E Speller Nathaniel S 11145 H 1892/06/10 W/NW 2 3N 24E Speller Nathaniel S 11145 H 1892/06/10
N/NE 3 3N 24E Farmer Elizabeth 15115 H 1896/07/09 S/SE 3 3N 24E Helms John W 16652 H 1898/10/04 S/SW 3 3N 24E Helms John W 16652 H 1898/10/04 NW/SW 3 3N 24E Thomas Delila* 16034 H 1897/11/22 NE/NW 3 3N 24E Farmer Elizabeth 15115 H 1896/07/09 SE/NW 3 3N 24E Peacock James M 11229 H 1892/10/08 SW/NW 3 3N 24E Thomas Delila* 16034 H 1897/11/22 NW/NW 3 3N 24E Pruitt Appleton W 15177 H 1896/12/22 (* widow of James Thomas)
N/NE 4 3N 24E Pruitt Appleton W 15177 H 1896/12/22 SE/NE 4 3N 24E Thomas Delila* 16034 H 1897/11/22 SW/NE 4 3N 24E Murphy Joseph L 10928 H 1892/06/10 NE/SE 4 3N 24E Thomas Delila* 16034 H 1897/11/22 SE/SE 4 3N 24E Murphy Joseph L 10928 H 1892/06/10 W/SE 4 3N 24E Murphy Joseph L 10928 H 1892/06/10 SW 4 3N 24E Draughon John W 20676 C 1858/11/01 NW 4 3N 24E Holton Joseph A 11936 H 1894/03/08 (* widow of James Thomas)
SE/NE 5 3N 24E Clark William B 464 H 1876/02/01 SW/NE 5 3N 24E Hollis Henry 17346 C 1858/09/01 N/SE 5 3N 24E Arrington Jesse K 14671 H 1896/02/19 SE/SE 5 3N 24E Draughon John W 20676 C 1858/11/01 SW/SE 5 3N 24E Mosely Lewis 23830 C 1858/11/01 NE/SW 5 3N 24E Draughon John W 11282 C 1852/01/01 SE/SW 5 3N 24E Mosely Lewis 23830 C 1858/11/01 W/SW 5 3N 24E* Clark John 16813 C 1860/09/01 NW/SW 5 3N 24E* Draughon John W 11282 C 1852/01/01 NE/NW 5 3N 24E* Williams Robert J 16807 C 1860/12/01 SE/NW 5 3N 24E* Mosley Lewis A 19519 C 1860/09/01 (* may be in Dale Co.)
NE/NE 8 3N 24E Draughon John W 20676 C 1858/11/01 SE/NE 8 3N 24E Williams Aaron C 7245 H 1891/06/10 W/NE 8 3N 24E Williams George M 8474 H 1891/09/01 NE/SE 8 3N 24E Williams Aaron C 7245 H 1891/06/10 SE/SE 8 3N 24E Cullifer Edward 16146 C 1860/09/01 SW/SE 8 3N 24E Gilley Thomas 17148 C 1858/09/01 NW/SE 8 3N 24E Gilley Thomas 24105 C 1858/11/01 NE/SW 8 3N 24E Gilley Thomas 24105 C 1858/11/01 SE/SW 8 3N 24E Gilley Thomas 17148 C 1858/09/01 W/SW 8 3N 24E Turner John 4915 C 1837/08/21 E/NW 8 3N 24E Williams George M 8474 H 1891/09/01 A 8 3N 24E Turner John 5596 C 1839/09/20 B 8 3N 24E Turner Eldreg 5597 C 1839/09/20
NE 9 3N 24E Barnett Morris E 22915 C 1858/11/01 E/SE 9 3N 24E Barnett Morris E 22915 C 1858/11/01 SW/SE 9 3N 24E Culefer Henry H 18954 C 1858/09/01 NW/SE 9 3N 24E Barnett Morris E 22915 C 1858/11/01 NE/SW 9 3N 24E Spears Zebedee 18591 C 1858/09/01 SE/SW 9 3N 24E Culefer Henry H 18954 C 1858/09/01 SW/SW 9 3N 24E Bufalo William R 14422 H 1896/02/19 NW/SW 9 3N 24E Williams Aaron C 7245 H 1891/06/10 N/NW 9 3N 24E Draughon John W 20676 C 1858/11/01 SE/NW 9 3N 24E Spears Zebedee 18591 C 1858/09/01 SW/NW 9 3N 24E Williams Aaron C 7245 H 1891/06/10
E/NE 10 3N 24E Lee Robert 7259 H 1891/06/10 W/NE 10 3N 24E Bufalo John F 13969 H 1895/06/28 NE/SE 10 3N 24E Lee Robert 7259 H 1891/06/10 SE/SE 10 3N 24E Winfield Matthew M 17399A C 1858/09/01 SW/SE 10 3N 24E Davenport William 10741 H 1892/03/26 NW/SE 10 3N 24E Turner William 3558 H 1885/03/30 NE/SW 10 3N 24E Turner William 3558 H 1885/03/30 S/SW 10 3N 24E Davenport William 10741 H 1892/03/26 NW/SW 10 3N 24E Barnett Morris E 22915 C 1858/11/01 N/NW 10 3N 24E Bufalo John F 13969 H 1895/06/28 S/NW 10 3N 24E Turner William 3558 H 1885/03/30
N/NE 11 3N 24E Cook Marshall S 13315 H 1895/01/31 S/NE 11 3N 24E Thomas Joshua 7258 H 1891/06/10 N/SE 11 3N 24E Thomas Joshua 7258 H 1891/06/10 S/SE 11 3N 24E Speller Thomas E 9770 H 1891/11/03 E/SW 11 3N 24E Hayman Arnold 7253 H 1891/06/10 SW/SW 11 3N 24E Winfield Matthew M 17399A C 1858/09/01 NW/SW 11 3N 24E Lee Calvin J 12930 H 1894/11/21 E/NW 11 3N 24E Lee John J 10745 H 1892/03/26 SW/NW 11 3N 24E Lee Robert 7259 H 1891/06/10 NW/NW 11 3N 24E McSween Angus 17374 C 1883/03/10
NE 12 3N 24E Woodard Daniel R 9704 H 1891/11/03 SE 12 3N 24E Woodard Archie C 9703 H 1891/11/03 N/SW 12 3N 24E Ethridge James A 7492 H 1893/01/21 S/SW 12 3N 24E Metcalf Henry 16701 C 1858/09/01 N/NW 12 3N 24E Sasser Lewis D 9702 H 1891/11/03 S/NW 12 3N 24E Ethridge James A 7492 H 1893/01/21
NE/NE 13 3N 24E Sellars David 22222 C 1858/11/01 SE/NE 13 3N 24E Clark Elijah 14459 H 1896/01/03 W/NE 13 3N 24E Metcalf Henry 16701 C 1858/09/01 E/SE 13 3N 24E Grantham Cornelius 21120 C 1858/11/01 NW/SE 13 3N 24E Grantham Cornelius 21120 C 1858/11/01 E/SW 13 3N 24E Grantham Samuel J 21122 C 1858/11/01 SW/SW 13 3N 24E Hayman Smith 24277 C 1858/11/01 NW/SW 13 3N 24E Cumbie James M 19237 H 1903/12/17 NW 13 3N 24E Metcalf Henry 16701 C 1858/09/01
NE/NE 14 3N 24E Winfield Matthew M 17400 C 1860/09/01 SE/NE 14 3N 24E Scarbrough Jesse M 18673 H 1902/09/15 W/NE 14 3N 24E Speller Thomas E 9770 H 1891/11/03 N/SE 14 3N 24E Thomley James 10794 H 1892/05/19 S/SE 14 3N 24E Steinbridge James M 10653 H 1892/03/07 E/SW 14 3N 24E Thomley James 10794 H 1892/05/19 SW/SW 14 3N 24E Thomley Robert 3114 H 1885/04/27 NW/SW 14 3N 24E Lee Albert H 13971 H 1895/06/28 E/NW 14 3N 24E Hayman Arnold 7253 H 1891/06/10 SW/NW 14 3N 24E Lee Albert H 13971 H 1895/06/28 NW/NW 14 3N 24E Winfield Matthew M 21675 C 1860/09/01
NE/NE 15 3N 24E Winfield Matthew M 21671 C 1858/11/01 NE/NE 15 3N 24E Winfield Matthew M 21675 C 1860/09/01 SE/NE 15 3N 24E Thomley Thomas 4930 H 1891/07/28 SW/NE 15 3N 24E Davis Benjamin 22889 C 1858/11/01 NW/NE 15 3N 24E Dowling John W 19244 C 1888/06/05 NE/SE 15 3N 24E Thomley Thomas 4930 H 1891/07/28 SE/SE 15 3N 24E Thomley John 10654 H 1892/03/07 W/SE 15 3N 24E Davis Benjamin 22889 C 1858/11/01 E/SW 15 3N 24E Davis Benjamin 22889 C 1858/11/01 SW/SW 15 3N 24E Winfield Matthew M 21671 C 1858/11/01 NW/SW 15 3N 24E Davis Benjamin 22889 C 1858/11/01 NE/NW 15 3N 24E Cravey Jonas 17274 C 1860/09/01 S/NW 15 3N 24E Davis Benjamin 22889 C 1858/11/01 NW/NW 15 3N 24E Davenport William 10741 H 1892/03/26
E/NE 17 3N 24E Turner John 18626 C 1858/11/01 SW/NE 17 3N 24E Turner John 18626 C 1858/11/01 NW/NE 17 3N 24E Gilley Thomas 17148 C 1858/09/01 E/SE 17 3N 24E White John 24175 C 1858/11/01 SW/SE 17 3N 24E Gilley George 16231A C 1858/09/01 NW/SE 17 3N 24E Gilley George 19593 C 1858/09/01 NE/SW 17 3N 24E Tindel James 17834 C 1858/09/01 SE/SW 17 3N 24E Bryan James L 14528 C 1854/07/15 SW/SW 17 3N 24E Tindel James 17834 C 1858/09/01 NW/SW 17 3N 24E Tindel James 3751 C 1837/08/15 NE/NW 17 3N 24E Gilley Thomas 17148 C 1858/09/01 SE/NW 17 3N 24E Turner John 18626 C 1858/11/01 SW/NW 17 3N 24E Tindel Zachariah 4803 C 1837/08/21 NW/NW 17 3N 24E Cullefer Edward 16145A C 1858/09/01
NE 18 3N 24E Gilley Jeremiah 5290 C 1839/09/20 SW/SE 18 3N 24E Gilley James 7845 C 1849/05/01 NW/SE 18 3N 24E Tindel James 4802 C 1837/08/21 SW 18 3N 24E* Tindel James 3750 C 1837/08/15 SW 18 3N 24E* Tindel James 3750 C 1840/10/10 NW 18 3N 24E Gilley Jeremiah 3473 C 1837/08/15 A 18 3N 24E Jones Henry T 3773 C 1837/08/15 B 18 3N 24E Jones Henry T 3770 C 1837/08/15 (* east of Choctawhatchee River)
N/NE 19 3N 24E Gilley James 19253 C 1858/09/01 S/NE 19 3N 24E White Luke 20191 C 1858/11/01 NE/SE 19 3N 24E White Luke 20191 C 1858/11/01 SE/SE 19 3N 24E Hughes Mary 12924 C 1853/08/01 SW/SE 19 3N 24E Weekes Richard A 17468 H 1900/04/21 SW/SE 19 3N 24E Weekes Richard A 17468 H 1900/04/21 NW/SE 19 3N 24E Hughs Mary 19980 C 1858/09/01 NE/SW 19 3N 24E Hughs Mary 19980 C 1858/09/01 SE/SW 19 3N 24E Weekes Richard A 17468 H 1900/04/21 SE/SW 19 3N 24E Weekes Richard A 17468 H 1900/04/21 SW/SW 19 3N 24E Hughes Mary 12205 C 1852/12/01 NW/SW 19 3N 24E Gilley James 7844 C 1849/05/01 NE/NW 19 3N 24E Gilley James 12417 C 1853/08/01 SE/NW 19 3N 24E White Luke 20191 C 1858/11/01 SW/NW 19 3N 24E Gilley James 7844 C 1849/05/01 A 19 3N 24E Turner John 5289 C 1839/09/20
E/NE 20 3N 24E Gilley George 16231A C 1858/09/01 SW/NE 20 3N 24E Gilley George 16231A C 1858/09/01 NE/SE 20 3N 24E Winfield Thomas J 20467 C 1858/11/01 SE/SE 20 3N 24E Thomley William B 16662 H 1898/11/16 SW/SE 20 3N 24E Bryan Elias 12186 C 1852/12/01 NW/SE 20 3N 24E Hughs Mary 19980 C 1858/09/01 E/SW 20 3N 24E Hughs Mary 19980 C 1858/09/01 SW/SW 20 3N 24E Hughs Mary 14149 C 1854/07/15 NW/SW 20 3N 24E Hughs Mary 19980 C 1858/09/01 NE/NW 20 3N 24E White Luke 20191 C 1858/11/01 SE/NW 20 3N 24E Hughs Mary 19980 C 1858/09/01 W/NW 20 3N 24E White Luke 20191 C 1858/11/01
SE/NE 21 3N 24E Winfield Thomas J 17389 C 1858/09/01 W/NE 21 3N 24E Miller William 7246 H 1891/06/10 NE/SE 21 3N 24E Bryan William G 14151 C 1854/07/15 SE/SE 21 3N 24E Robertson Jephthah 12318 C 1853/08/01 SW/SE 21 3N 24E Winfield Thomas J 17389 C 1858/09/01 NW/SE 21 3N 24E Green Samuel W 16001 H 1897/11/05 NE/SW 21 3N 24E Smith Robert M 10310 H 1892/01/20 S/SW 21 3N 24E Smith Robert M 10310 H 1892/01/20 NW/SW 21 3N 24E Winfield Thomas J 20467 C 1858/11/01 N/NW 21 3N 24E Miller William 7246 H 1891/06/10 SE/NW 21 3N 24E Smith Robert M 10310 H 1892/01/20
NE/NE 22 3N 24E Thomley John 10654 H 1892/03/07 SE/NE 22 3N 24E Thomley Robert 3114 H 1885/04/27 SW/NE 22 3N 24E Thurmond Fountain M 17014 C 1860/09/01 NW/NE 22 3N 24E Lewis James W 6305 H 1890/03/19 NE/SE 22 3N 24E Kirkland Elijah L 16271 H 1898/06/10 SE/SE 22 3N 24E Thomley William 20080 C 1858/09/01 SW/SE 22 3N 24E Thomley William 17020 C 1858/09/01 NW/SE 22 3N 24E Pritchett William F 7260 H 1891/06/10 NE/SW 22 3N 24E Thurmond Fountain M 17014 C 1860/09/01 SE/SW 22 3N 24E Thomley William 17020 C 1858/09/01 SW/SW 22 3N 24E Bryan William G 14152 C 1854/07/15 NW/SW 22 3N 24E Winfield Thomas J 14222 C 1854/07/15 NE/NW 22 3N 24E Lewis James W 6305 H 1890/03/19 SE/NW 22 3N 24E Thurmond Fountain M 17014 C 1860/09/01
N/NE 23 3N 24E Steinbridge James M 10653 H 1892/03/07 SE/NE 23 3N 24E Peters Benagy 20079 C 1858/11/01 SW/NE 23 3N 24E Windham Nancy J 7380 H 1891/06/10 NE/SE 23 3N 24E Peters Benagy 20079 C 1858/11/01 S/SE 23 3N 24E Knowles Catherine 18528 H 1902/02/03 NW/SE 23 3N 24E Holloway Thomas H 14537 H 1896/02/10 NE/SW 23 3N 24E Holloway Thomas H 14537 H 1896/02/10 S/SW 23 3N 24E Holloway Thomas H 14537 H 1896/02/10 NW/SW 23 3N 24E Kirkland Elijah L 16271 H 1898/06/10 E/NW 23 3N 24E Windham Nancy J 7380 H 1891/06/10 W/NW 23 3N 24E Thomley Robert 3114 H 1885/04/27
N/SE 24 3N 24E Skipper Jacob 21114 C 1858/11/01 SE/SE 24 3N 24E Hollis William J 10311 H 1891/11/09 SW/SE 24 3N 24E Bell James L 9251 H 1891/06/29 NE/SW 24 3N 24E Hayman Smith 24277 C 1858/11/01 S/SW 24 3N 24E Bell James L 9251 H 1891/06/29 NW/SW 24 3N 24E Bell James L 9251 H 1891/06/29 E/NW 24 3N 24E Skipper Jacob 21114 C 1858/11/01 SW/NW 24 3N 24E Peters Benagy 20079 C 1858/11/01 NW/NW 24 3N 24E Skipper Jacob 21114 C 1858/11/01
NE/NE 25 3N 24E Hollis William J 10311 H 1891/11/09 S/NE 25 3N 24E Watson Isaac A 7813 H 1891/06/30 NW/NE 25 3N 24E Lamb Thomas L 18487 H 1902/02/03 N/SE 25 3N 24E Watson Isaac A 7813 H 1891/06/30 SE/SE 25 3N 24E Clark Green B 18950 C 1885/11/13 SW/SE 25 3N 24E Clark Green B 7214 H 1891/09/15 SW 25 3N 24E Gilley William 7262 H 1891/06/10 E/NW 25 3N 24E Holloway George W 11249 H 1892/10/08 SW/NW 25 3N 24E Holloway George W 11249 H 1892/10/08 NW/NW 25 3N 24E Knowles Catherine 18528 H 1902/02/03
NE/NE 26 3N 24E Knowles Catherine 18528 H 1902/02/03 SE/NE 26 3N 24E Holloway George W 11249 H 1892/10/08 W/NE 26 3N 24E Peters William H 11388 H 1892/12/15 NE/SE 26 3N 24E Peters Benjamin F 17545 H 1901/01/23 S/SE 26 3N 24E Peters Sophrona 8441 H 1891/09/01 NW/SE 26 3N 24E Peters Sophrona 8441 H 1891/09/01 NE/SW 26 3N 24E Peters Sophrona 8441 H 1891/09/01 SE/SW 26 3N 24E Thomas William F 13118 H 1894/12/07 W/SW 26 3N 24E Thomas William F 13118 H 1894/12/07 E/NW 26 3N 24E Peters William H 11388 H 1892/12/15 W/NW 26 3N 24E Thomley Josiah M 1361 H 1880/02/20
E/NE 27 3N 24E Thomley Josiah M 1361 H 1880/02/20 SW/NE 27 3N 24E Gilley Simon P 1353 H 1880/02/20 NW/NE 27 3N 24E Thomley William 20080 C 1858/09/01 NE/SE 27 3N 24E Thomas William F 13118 H 1894/12/07 S/SE 27 3N 24E Gilley William T 13837 H 1895/06/03 NW/SE 27 3N 24E Gilley William A 20072 C 1888/04/13 N/SW 27 3N 24E Gilley Simon P 1353 H 1880/02/20 S/SW 27 3N 24E Gilley William T 13837 H 1895/06/03 NE/NW 27 3N 24E Thomley William 20080 C 1858/09/01 SE/NW 27 3N 24E Gilley Simon P 1353 H 1880/02/20 SW/NW 27 3N 24E Winfield James H 20466 C 1858/11/01 NW/NW 27 3N 24E Winfield James H 14686 C 1854/09/15
NE/NE 28 3N 24E Winfield James H 14685 C 1854/09/15 SE/NE 28 3N 24E Winfield James H 20466 C 1858/11/01 SE 28 3N 24E Gilley John 3173 H 1884/12/05 NE/SW 28 3N 24E Williams Arch A 4931 H 1888/02/04 SE/SW 28 3N 24E Fountain John B 21274 C 1858/11/01 SE/SW 28 3N 24E Barnes John 11818 H 1894/04/19 W/SW 28 3N 24E Williams Arch A 4931 H 1888/02/04 NE/NW 28 3N 24E Bryan Elias 12187 C 1852/12/01 SW/NW 28 3N 24E Williams Arch A 4931 H 1888/02/04 NW/NW 28 3N 24E Bryan Elias 19770 C 1858/09/01
NE/NE 29 3N 24E White Matthew 8345 C 1849/09/01 SE/NE 29 3N 24E Thornley Benjamin 20062 C 1858/09/01 SW/NE 29 3N 24E Thomley James 19250 C 1897/04/10 NW/NE 29 3N 24E Bryan Elias 19770 C 1858/09/01 N/SE 29 3N 24E Thornley Benjamin 20062 C 1858/09/01 S/SE 29 3N 24E Pate Green 16792 C 1858/11/01 N/SW 29 3N 24E Pate Green 16792 C 1858/11/01 SE/SW 29 3N 24E Pate Green 16792 C 1858/11/01 E/NW 29 3N 24E Thornley James 16139 C 1858/09/01 NW/NW 29 3N 24E Thombley James 14684 C 1854/09/15
NE/NE 30 3N 24E Hughs Mary 14150 C 1854/07/15 SE/NE 30 3N 24E Hughes Mary 15506 C 1860/09/01 SW/NE 30 3N 24E Pate Jeremiah 16916 C 1860/09/01 NW/NE 30 3N 24E Pate Jeremiah 16916 C 1860/09/01 E/SE 30 3N 24E Tindel Jeremiah 17057A C 1858/11/01 SW/SE 30 3N 24E Tindel Jeremiah 16804 C 1860/09/01 NW/SE 30 3N 24E Pate Jeremiah 16916 C 1860/09/01 NE/SW 30 3N 24E Pate Jeremiah 16916 C 1860/09/01 SE/SW 30 3N 24E Pate Jeremiah 22610 C 1860/09/01 SW/SW 30 3N 24E Kinsaul William 20063 C 1858/11/01 NW/SW 30 3N 24E Kinsel William 8616 C 1850/04/01 N/NW 30 3N 24E Pate Jeremiah 24100 C 1861/09/10 SE/NW 30 3N 24E Pate Jeremiah 16916 C 1860/09/01 SW/NW 30 3N 24E Tindel Samuel 6720 C 1841/12/10
SW/SE 5 3N 25E McCraney Tissie* 4282 H 1885/06/20 E/SW 5 3N 25E Fowler John 14615 H 1896/04/23 SW/SW 5 3N 25E Drew John W 10050 H 1891/11/03 NW/SW 5 3N 25E Drew Anthony 24259 C 1858/11/01 SE/NW 5 3N 25E Drew Anthony 14415 C 1854/07/15 SW/NW 5 3N 25E Drew Anthony 24259 C 1858/11/01 (* widow of William H. McCraney)
NE/NE 6 3N 25E Walding Benjamin 14764 C 1854/09/15 SE/NE 6 3N 25E Drew Anthony 14705 C 1854/09/15 E/SE 6 3N 25E Drew Anthoney 14535 C 1854/07/15 SW/SE 6 3N 25E Walding Benjamin 14764 C 1854/09/15 SE/SW 6 3N 25E Campbell Angus 14930 H 1896/05/06 SW/SW 6 3N 25E Clark Mathew 7903 H 1891/06/30 NW/SW 6 3N 25E Walding Benjamin 12192 C 1852/12/01 SW/NW 6 3N 25E Walding Benjamin 24382 C 1859/11/01
N/NE 7 3N 25E Drew John W 10050 H 1891/11/03 S/NE 7 3N 25E Adams Ransom 4813 H 1888/02/04 N/SE 7 3N 25E Adams Ransom 4813 H 1888/02/04 SE/SE 7 3N 25E Ard Alexander 6304 H 1890/03/19 SW/SE 7 3N 25E Faulk George G 12833 H 1894/11/21 N/SW 7 3N 25E Beasley William T 15118 H 1896/07/09 SE/SW 7 3N 25E Sellars David 24196 C 1858/11/01 SW/SW 7 3N 25E Sellars David 19762 C 1860/09/01 NE/NW 7 3N 25E Campbell Angus 14930 H 1896/05/06 SE/NW 7 3N 25E Clark Mathew 7903 H 1891/06/30 W/NW 7 3N 25E Clark Mathew 7903 H 1891/06/30
N/NE 8 3N 25E McCraney Tissie* 4282 H 1885/06/20 SE/NE 8 3N 25E Mathis Margret** 3879 H 1885/03/16 SW/NE 8 3N 25E Powers James 12836 H 1894/11/21 NE/SE 8 3N 25E Mathis Margret** 3879 H 1885/03/16 SE/SE 8 3N 25E Johnson Daniel L 7494 H 1891/06/30 W/SE 8 3N 25E Drew James A 8006 H 1891/06/30 N/SW 8 3N 25E Collins Moses 5034 H 1888/02/04 S/SW 8 3N 25E Ard Alexander 6304 H 1890/03/19 NE/NW 8 3N 25E Fowler John 14615 H 1896/04/23 S/NW 8 3N 25E Collins Moses 5034 H 1888/02/04 NW/NW 8 3N 25E Drew John W 10050 H 1891/11/03 (* widow of William H. McCraney ** heirs of)
SW/NE 9 3N 25E Mathis Gabriel R 21566 C 1858/11/01 NE/SE 9 3N 25E Mathis Gabriel R 21566 C 1858/11/01 SE/SE 9 3N 25E Mathis Gabriel R 13596 C 1854/07/15 NE/SW 9 3N 25E Mathis Gabriel R 21566 C 1858/11/01 S/SW 9 3N 25E Johnson Daniel L 7494 H 1891/06/30 NW/SW 9 3N 25E Mathis Margret* 3879 H 1885/03/16 NE/NW 9 3N 25E Skipper Robert G 19990 C 1860/09/01 SE/NW 9 3N 25E Mathis Gabriel R 21566 C 1858/11/01 SW/NW 9 3N 25E Mathis Gabriel R 21566 C 1858/11/01 NW/NW 9 3N 25E Pope David 24401 C 1860/01/03 (* heirs of)
S/NE 10 3N 25E Jackson John J 17395 H 1899/12/30 E/SE 10 3N 25E Ware John W 23185 C 1858/11/01 SW/SE 10 3N 25E Gilmore Henry 2080 H 1883/10/01 SE/SW 10 3N 25E Gilmore Henry 2080 H 1883/10/01 SE/NW 10 3N 25E Jackson John J 17395 H 1899/12/30
NE/NE 11 3N 25E Collins James M 16066 C 1858/09/01 W/SE 11 3N 25E Stephens Prior 21277 C 1858/11/01 E/SW 11 3N 25E Stephens Prior 21277 C 1858/11/01 SW/SW 11 3N 25E Warrick John 16002 H 1897/11/05 NW/SW 11 3N 25E Ware John W 23185 C 1858/11/01 SW/NW 11 3N 25E Jackson John J 17395 H 1899/12/30
NE/NE 12 3N 25E Heflin James R 23836 C 1858/11/01 SE/SE 12 3N 25E Langley William L 17310 C 1858/09/01 NE/SW 12 3N 25E* Kornegay John W 5882 H 1891/06/29 W/SW 12 3N 25E* Kornegay John W 5882 H 1891/06/29 S/NW 12 3N 25E Mathews Shock M 14551 H 1896/02/10 (* may be in Dale Co.)
N/NE 13 3N 25E Langley William L 14121 C 1854/07/15 S/NE 13 3N 25E Dawsey Thomas A 13802 C 1854/07/15 NE/SE 13 3N 25E Stewart James 14156 C 1854/07/15 S/SE 13 3N 25E King William R 21885 C 1858/11/01 NW/SE 13 3N 25E Jones William A 16558 H 1898/08/01 SE/SW 13 3N 25E Patterson William 19091 C 1885/09/10 W/SW 13 3N 25E Langley William L 17311 C 1858/09/01 NE/NW 13 3N 25E Langley William L 14121 C 1854/07/15 SW/NW 13 3N 25E Jones Dollie A 16559 H 1899/04/28 NW/NW 13 3N 25E Kornegay John W 5882 H 1891/06/29
N/NE 14 3N 25E Narramore Henry L 7225 H 1891/06/30 SE/NE 14 3N 25E Clark Elijah 22448 C 1858/11/01 SW/NE 14 3N 25E McCarty Albert 19459 H 1904/07/27 SE 14 3N 25E Clark Elijah 22448 C 1858/11/01 E/SW 14 3N 25E Hathon David T 7319 H 1891/06/30 NW/SW 14 3N 25E Brannan Adam 18246 C 1858/09/01 N/NW 14 3N 25E Narramore Henry L 7225 H 1891/06/30 S/NW 14 3N 25E Hathon David T 7319 H 1891/06/30
NE 15 3N 25E Mathis Gabriel T* 6638 H 1888/09/29 E/SE 15 3N 25E Brannan Adam 18246 C 1858/09/01 W/SE 15 3N 25E Sasnett John 5033 H 1888/02/04 N/SW 15 3N 25E Lightfoot William P 5024 H 1888/02/04 SE/SW 15 3N 25E Sasnett John 5033 H 1888/02/04 SW/SW 15 3N 25E Lightfoot William P 5024 H 1888/02/04 NW 15 3N 25E Harris Thomas J 8179 H 1891/06/19 (* heirs of)
NE/NE 17 3N 25E Johnson Daniel L 7494 H 1891/06/30 SE/NE 17 3N 25E Dubose Frank 12837 H 1894/11/21 W/NE 17 3N 25E Warr William W 12832 H 1894/11/21 SE 17 3N 25E Fulford Clifford 3841 H 1885/03/16 N/SW 17 3N 25E Phelps Reuben S 5298 H 1888/01/21 SE/SW 17 3N 25E Hollis Jesse J 19068 H 1903/11/24 SW/SW 17 3N 25E Jones Alford 19069 H 1903/11/24 N/NW 17 3N 25E Warr William W 12832 H 1894/11/21 S/NW 17 3N 25E Phelps Reuben S 5298 H 1888/01/21
NE/NE 18 3N 25E Ard Alexander 6304 H 1890/03/19 NW/NE 18 3N 25E Sellars David 24196 C 1858/11/01 NE/SE 18 3N 25E Winfield James H 24321 C 1858/11/01 S/SE 18 3N 25E Grantham Noel C 7699 H 1891/06/30 NW/SE 18 3N 25E Grantham Noel C 7699 H 1891/06/30 E/SW 18 3N 25E Hood John C 1666 H 1883/07/03 W/SW 18 3N 25E Grantham Cornelius 18392 C 1858/09/01 NE/NW 18 3N 25E Sellars David 24196 C 1858/11/01 SE/NW 18 3N 25E Hood John C 1666 H 1883/07/03 SW/NW 18 3N 25E Grantham Cornelius 18392 C 1858/09/01 NW/NW 18 3N 25E Sellars David 19762 C 1860/09/01
N/NE 19 3N 25E Hollis James S 10944 H 1892/06/10 SE/NE 19 3N 25E Davis Andrew 18335 C 1885/06/03 SW/NE 19 3N 25E Sellars David 24196 C 1858/11/01 E/SE 19 3N 25E Davis Andrew 5036 H 1888/02/04 W/SE 19 3N 25E Gilley Thomas 4297 H 1885/06/20 N/SW 19 3N 25E Gilley Thomas 4297 H 1885/06/20 S/SW 19 3N 25E Hollis William J 10311 H 1891/11/09 NE/NW 19 3N 25E Hood John C 1666 H 1883/07/03 SE/NW 19 3N 25E Sellars David 24192 C 1858/11/01 SW/NW 19 3N 25E Sellars David 24196 C 1858/11/01 NW/NW 19 3N 25E Green Charley P 18622 H 1902/09/15
E/NE 20 3N 25E Hayes Henry 5766 H 1889/08/16 W/NE 20 3N 25E Brackin Yancey L 7226 H 1891/06/30 E/SE 20 3N 25E Greer Benjamin F 12143 H 1894/05/15 W/SE 20 3N 25E Hollis Isaac 4139 H 1885/05/25 E/SW 20 3N 25E Hollis Isaac 4139 H 1885/05/25 W/SW 20 3N 25E Davis Andrew 5036 H 1888/02/04 N/NW 20 3N 25E Hollis Jesse J 19068 H 1903/11/24 S/NW 20 3N 25E Brackin Yancey L 7226 H 1891/06/30
SE/NE 21 3N 25E Sheffield Nancy 19474 C 1858/09/01 W/NE 21 3N 25E Walker John H 15672 H 1897/08/30 NE/SE 21 3N 25E Sheffield Nancy 19474 C 1858/09/01 SE/SE 21 3N 25E Woodham Moss 12835 H 1894/11/21 SW/SE 21 3N 25E Ridgell Sarah 23072 C 1858/11/01 NW/SE 21 3N 25E Bond John M 536 H 1876/04/01 N/SW 21 3N 25E Rice Mary* 16647 H 1898/10/04 SE/SW 21 3N 25E Ridgell Sarah 23072 C 1858/11/01 SW/SW 21 3N 25E Byrd Isom N 20250 C 1888/06/09 E/NW 21 3N 25E Walker John H 15672 H 1897/08/30 W/NW 21 3N 25E Hayes Henry 5766 H 1889/08/16 (* widow of William Rice)
E/NE 22 3N 25E Yon Joel B 4733 H 1888/02/04 SW/NE 22 3N 25E Arrington Peney P 5030 H 1888/02/04 NW/NE 22 3N 25E Sasnett John 5033 H 1888/02/04 E/SE 22 3N 25E Yon Joel B 4733 H 1888/02/04 W/SE 22 3N 25E Arrington Peney P 5030 H 1888/02/04 NE/SW 22 3N 25E Arrington Peney P 5030 H 1888/02/04 S/SW 22 3N 25E Bond John S 5893 H 1889/11/21 NW/SW 22 3N 25E Bond John S 5893 H 1889/11/21 E/NW 22 3N 25E Green George W 17471 H 1900/04/21 SW/NW 22 3N 25E Sheffield Nancy 19474 C 1858/09/01 NW/NW 22 3N 25E Lightfoot William P 5024 H 1888/02/04
S/SE 23 3N 25E Stewart James 16815 C 1897/05/12 E/SW 23 3N 25E Stewart James 16815 C 1897/05/12 W/SW 23 3N 25E Gilmore Lucius 11646 H 1893/06/14 SE/NW 23 3N 25E Stewart James 16815 C 1897/05/12 SW/NW 23 3N 25E Gilmore Lucius 11646 H 1893/06/14 NW/NW 23 3N 25E Branan Adam 13975 C 1854/07/15
N/SE 24 3N 25E Stewart James K 5023 H 1888/02/04 NE/SW 24 3N 25E Johnes James H 23897 C 1858/11/01 SW/SW 24 3N 25E Hamrick Cynthia E 16211 H 1898/10/04 W/NW 24 3N 25E Everett Joshua 19002 H 1903/11/24
NE/NE 25 3N 25E Clark George E 24296 C 1858/11/01 SE/NE 25 3N 25E Hamilton Robert 19018 H 1903/11/24 SW/NE 25 3N 25E Hamrick James P 16080 C 1882/10/30 E/SE 25 3N 25E Hamrick Christopher C 5580 H 1890/10/11 W/SE 25 3N 25E Shiver Asa 3880 H 1885/03/16 E/SW 25 3N 25E Shiver Asa 3880 H 1885/03/16 W/SW 25 3N 25E Hinson Elizabeth 8195 H 1891/06/30 NW 25 3N 25E Clark George E 24296 C 1858/11/01
N/NE 26 3N 25E Stewart James 16816 C 1897/05/12 E/SE 26 3N 25E Hinson Elizabeth 8195 H 1891/06/30 W/SE 26 3N 25E Smith Thomas J 19574 H 1904/07/02 NE/SW 26 3N 25E Hall Nathan 18856 C 1885/08/05 SE/SW 26 3N 25E Smith Thomas J 19574 H 1904/07/02 W/SW 26 3N 25E McLendon John W 4626 H 1886/03/10 NE/NW 26 3N 25E Stewart James 16816 C 1897/05/12 SE/NW 26 3N 25E Hall Nathan 18433 C 1885/06/03 W/NW 26 3N 25E McLendon John W 4626 H 1886/03/10
E/NE 27 3N 25E Jones Hiram S 5295 H 1891/06/29 SW/NE 27 3N 25E Bond William G 19822 C 1888/11/08 NW/NE 27 3N 25E Jones Hiram S 5295 H 1891/06/29 NE/SE 27 3N 25E Jones Hiram S 5295 H 1891/06/29 S/SE 27 3N 25E Boyett David J 5894 H 1889/11/21 NW/SE 27 3N 25E Bond William G 19822 C 1888/11/08 NE/SW 27 3N 25E Bond William G 19822 C 1888/11/08 SE/SW 27 3N 25E Boyett David J 5894 H 1889/11/21 W/SW 27 3N 25E McCallister William T 5452 H 1889/08/16 NE/NW 27 3N 25E Bond John S 5893 H 1889/11/21 SE/NW 27 3N 25E Bond William G 19822 C 1888/11/08 SW/NW 27 3N 25E Fortson William M 7252 H 1891/06/08 NW/NW 27 3N 25E Woodham Moss 12835 H 1894/11/21
NE/NE 28 3N 25E Woodham Moss 12835 H 1894/11/21 SE/NE 28 3N 25E Fortson William M 7252 H 1891/06/08 SW/NE 28 3N 25E Rutherford John 615 H 1876/04/01 NW/NE 28 3N 25E Ridgell Sarah 23072 C 1858/11/01 E/SE 28 3N 25E Fortson William M 7252 H 1891/06/08 W/SE 28 3N 25E See John T 17079 H 1899/12/07 NE/SW 28 3N 25E Rice Joseph J 20710 C 1888/04/13 SE/SW 28 3N 25E See John T 17079 H 1899/12/07 SW/SW 28 3N 25E Hughes Burney 19390 C 1888/06/05 NW/SW 28 3N 25E Rutherford John 615 H 1876/04/01 NE/NW 28 3N 25E Ridgell Sarah 23072 C 1858/11/01 S/NW 28 3N 25E Rutherford John 615 H 1876/04/01 NW/NW 28 3N 25E Greer Benjamin F 12143 H 1894/05/15
NE/NE 29 3N 25E Greer Benjamin F 12143 H 1894/05/15 SE/NE 29 3N 25E Reeves William C 13578 H 1895/02/23 W/NE 29 3N 25E Thomley Benjamin 5040 H 1888/02/04 NE/SE 29 3N 25E Reeves William C 13578 H 1895/02/23 S/SE 29 3N 25E Greer Margrett M 4781 H 1889/11/21 NW/SE 29 3N 25E Casey Charles A 11118 H 1892/06/10 E/SW 29 3N 25E Casey Charles A 11118 H 1892/06/10 W/SW 29 3N 25E Hollis Henry M 4137 H 1885/05/25 E/NW 29 3N 25E Thomley Benjamin 5040 H 1888/02/04 W/NW 29 3N 25E Maund Samuel M 19019 H 1903/11/24
E/NE 30 3N 25E Maund Samuel M 19019 H 1903/11/24 W/NE 30 3N 25E Davis Aaron T 602 H 1876/04/01 N/SE 30 3N 25E Hollis Henry M 4137 H 1885/05/25 SE/SE 30 3N 25E Davis Elias 534 H 1876/04/01 SW/SE 30 3N 25E Hughes Jesse B 11115 H 1892/06/30 N/SW 30 3N 25E Hollis Isaac 2508 H 1883/03/01 SE/SW 30 3N 25E Hughes Jesse B 11115 H 1892/06/30 SW/SW 30 3N 25E Clark Green B 20467 C 1888/06/09 E/NW 30 3N 25E Davis Aaron T 602 H 1876/04/01 W/NW 30 3N 25E Hollis Isaac 2508 H 1883/03/01