Mack's Dawg House

This is Mack...(or Maccaroni as we call him!) My 4yr old short-haired miniature Dachshound (or weiner dog) *S* Born Oct. 6, 1994.
I've had Mack since he was 6 weeks old. I got him from my mother-in-law who raises and breeds Dachshouds. He was the only one out of the litter that was all red, including his nose! I consider him to be my "son"...since I don't have any children of my own. But even if I did, he would stil always be my baby! *S*

Here is Mack at Christmas 1997 opening his Kong I got him! It's a wonderful toy for dogs! He just loves it! *S*

Here are a few more pics of Mack

Click here for more pics of Mack!

More pics to come soon!!


God made a little dachsie
to brighten up our day-
He took a bit of sunshine-
Laughter, love, and play-
and rolled it up in a sausage shape
just right for a hug,
with bright eyes full of mischief
set in its little mug.
With little paws a pattering,
to take it here and there-
and a cold wet nose-but then He thought,
"Oh, what about the hair?
Shall I make it long and silky,
or wiry, that's so sweet,
or make it simple, and have it smooth
and satiny and neat?
And what about the color-
how can I pick just one?
Shall it be black, or red or brown
or dappled, just for fun?"
He pondered while He made the world,
And all creatures great and small-
And then the answer came to Him-
"OF COURSE! I'll make them ALL!!"
So remember that a dachshund
is special, from above
His coat of many colors
is a sign of God's great Love.

Julie Wrigley Smith ©1996

Please email Julie regarding her beautiful poem.

Here are some Weiner Dog links to visit!

Dachshounds Galore

Dachshound Links

Dachsie WWW Links

The Dachshound Rescue Web Page

Winston's Ultimate Dachshound Links

Doxie, Dachsie, Dachshound!

E-mail me at
Stamp fromBoswell's

Please visit my home page Rita's Unicorn Heaven

Please sign the guestbook! We'd love to know what you think!

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to visit since June 18,1998

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