September 30, 2004

Eighth Meeting

Glenda’s Smiley Face Club
Thursday, September 30, 2004

The meeting was called to order by Sis. Olea Bean, President.

Prayer led by Bro. Ed Rutherford.

Potluck was enjoyed by 17 members, there was one late member making a total of 18 present for the meeting.

Minutes of 7-29-04 were read and approved.

Treasurer’s report: balance on hand 9-30-04 $1,075.24.

Unfinished Business:

Discussion continued on plans for the Concession Stand for Grand Chapter.

Motion made, 2nd and carried that we elect a committee to plan the schedule and menu for the Concession Stand. Members are Harold MacIntire, Chairman, Olea Bean, Murphy Brown, Carol James, Elaine Shuffield and Betty Colclasure.

There was a suggestion that we ask the Chapters in our district to bake cookies for sale in the Concession Stand. The secretary will send letters to the chapters asking them to bake 3-6 dozen home baked cookies for the concession Stand.

Sis. Glenda reported that we could have crafts and hand made items, as well as club items for sale on the Club table at Grand Chapter. Any one who has items they wish to donate can bring them to Grand Chapter or contact the committee.

We will have menus with price lists in the Grand Chapter bags. Members can order lunch in the morning and we will have it ready at noon. Members will pay when they order.

New Business:

Sis. Olea read the resignation of Marita Ridgeway as Secretary of the club. Nomination, 2nd and carried that Murphy Brown be elected Secretary.

Motion, 2nd and carried that the Honor Night for Sis. Glenda and Bro. Johnnie will be September 17, 2005 at Union Chapter. The time will be changed to 1:00 P.M.

Sickness and Distress:

The club members extend their sympathy to Sis. Olea Bean on the death of her husband and our friend, Bro. John Bean.

Sis. Olea asked that we remember her son. He has heart problems. Bro. Tom Dixon, PGP will have surgery 10-1 at Baptist Hospital.

Closed with Mizpah Benediction.

Respectfully Submitted,
Murphy Brown

"Hitch your wagon to a STAR." Emerson

Study to show thyself approved, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed.

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