Allen Singleton's Homepage

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Hello my name is Al Singleton I live in East Tennessee.I have created another web site for Family Tree,info,links,and other related sites. So please check it out, Link is located below.

Please sign my guestbook before you leave,the link is located below and to view my guest book the link is after you sign or if your here and don't want to sign but just want to see who has, it is located below,email me with your tips or suggestions. Email link is below. Thank you.

About my icq chat I'm a Truck driver so my chat is only open when I'm home on the weekends, but every now and again I'm home during the week so if you see the free for chat symbol up then your more than welcome to join in.MY ICQ # is 12638355, you'll have to be authorized by me to enter.

Speaking of icq if you don't have it there is a link below you can go and check their web site out. Also that's where you download the program,,best part of it is that it is FREE.


Links to other sites on the Web

Family site,info,links.
1998 National Football Champion's- Tenneesse Volunteer's
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Harley's, H.O.G.'s and more
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Need ICQ,,Then here is where you go to check it out or download it

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